<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

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<font size=3>Boys And Girls Club: Halloween Craft Party</font size=3>

Moster Snot 2.jpg

As Halloween was fast approaching, my learning community had the opportunity to work with the Boys and Girls Club on campus at a craft party. We split in groups, each group created a fun activity for the kids to do. My group was so excited about our activity, and I feel that excitement really transferred to the children. We dressed up as witches and created an entertaining story about how we had to get rid of the monsters in our house. We told the children that we came up with the idea of creating “Monster Snot” to accomplish our goal. The “Monster Snot” was just a mixture of common household items, that when mixed together created a “silly putty” type substance. Watching the children’s faces as they touched the snot was unforgettable.

The graphic on this page is a personal photo

Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)