<font size=4><center>Jennifer McDaniel's Teacher Education Portfolio</font></center>

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<font size=3>Professional Development</font size=3>


Throughout my time at Chandler-Gilbert Community College I have had the privilege of attending numerous events; each has enhanced my knowledge in the Field of Education. I have also earned a number of awards and certificates that have helped me on my development path to becoming a teacher.

  • 4/18/2005: Linda Laneback: 2005 Teacher of the Year Ambassador - Linda was chosen for this award for her outstanding work in low socioeconomic schools. Her speech was motivational and helped me become aware of what an amazing opporuntiy it is to teach in low socioeconomic schools.

  • 4/7/2005: Williams Teacher Education Program Information Night - During this event I participated on a student panel that focused on the work we have done using Task Stream to create our Teacher Education Portfolio.

  • 4/5/2005: Maricopa Community Colleges Strategic Conversations: Making Student Connections Conference - This event gives Maricopa Community College students the opportunity to discuss ideas with professors and college staff. During the event I was able to discuss and listen to ideas about issues that effect students at the community college level. 

  • 3/31/2005 - 4/3/2005:  NEA-Retired Intergenerational Teacher Mentoring Project Conference in Seattle Washington - I was one of three NEA Student members who was chosen from the state of Arizona to help develop a Mentoring program for future teachers.  During this Conference I participated in training for the program and was introduced and worked with  NEA-Student members from other states who already have the program in use. The program will pair teacher education majors in their junior year with a NEA-Retired member.  The NEA-Retired member will become that student's mentor through their student teaching and in to their first few years of teaching. The program is in development stages, but will be up and running by 2006.

  • 3/23/2005: Elected President of the Alpha Sigma Nu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - My term as President will be from May of 2005 to May of 2006 As President, some of my duties will include presiding over meetings of the chapter and the executive board, preparing agendas, maintain chapter by-laws, and working closely with fellow executives board members. 

  • 12/02/2004: Joe Thomas from the National Educators Association - After hearing Mr. Thomas speak about the benefits of the organization I became a Student Member.  As a students member I receive many of the same benefits as any other member of the NEA.

  • 11/19/2004: Paving the Way: Second Annual Future Teachers Conference - This conference focused on different areas of the teaching profession.  I attended a session on what a Highly Qualified Teacher is and the opportunities and career paths within the field of education. 

  • 9/23/2004: Coyote Gathering: Education Panel - This educational panel consisted of a local principal, four teachers, and a ASU East education advisor.  The Panel answered questions from the audience about the education field.

  • 9/16/2004: Cindy Chovich: Arizona's 2004 Teacher of the Year Ambassador-  Cindy was named the 2004 Arizona Teacher of the year.  Her motivational appearance helped me to realize what it takes to be the best teacher that I can be.

  • Fall, 2004: Teachers of Tomorrow - I was elected to serve as the first Vice-President of the Teachers of Tomorrow organization at Chandler-Gilbert Community College.  During my term I helped to develop the club since it was in it's first year.  I also helped with many projects such as collecting Teddy Bears for children effected by the terrorist attacks in a Russian School, raising money for future teacher education scholarships, and planing guest speakers to speak at our meetings. Please visit the Teachers of Tomorrow website to see what we have done!

Spring, 2004: CGCC Hunger Banquet - This event is held annually by Chandler-Gilbert Community College.  The event helps students to understand the problem of world hunger.  I was very touched by the event and became aware of a problem that faces millions of people each day.</LI></UL>
  • Spring, 2004: ASU East Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser: I took part in a three-mile marathon that helped ASU East raise money for education major scholarships.

2/19/2004: Immigration Discussion Panel- This panel discussed the illegal immigration problem that Arizona is facing. The discussion also included the PAN2004 initiative which will require proof of citizenship before a person can vote or receive federal funding (ie. Welfare)</LI></UL>

  • 11/14/2003: Future Teachers Conference - This conference put on by the Future Teachers of America focused on issues that future educators will face. Each person in attendance went to two seminars on different topics. Topics ranged from technology in the classroom to the effects of No Child Left Behind.

  • 10/14/2003: Fingerprint Clearance Card Issued - I received my fingerprint clearance card through the State of Arizona Department of Public Safety.  I have been issued clearance through October of 2009.


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Author: Jeni McDaniel
Last modified: 12/11/2005 6:33 PM (EDT)