J.Miller MLS Portfolio

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Technological Knowledge and Skills


Technology is ever-changing and library patrons are eager to use new technology for their information literacy needs. Librarians must work collaboratively with administrators and staff to make decisions regarding technology. They must use their skills and knowledge of technolgy to advance the library tools and help students acheive their academic goals. Professional development helps teachers learn and practice with new technologies, and they shouljd be willing to advance their knowledge of the tech-world to help library patrons. 

4A. Information, communication, assistive, and related technologies as they affect the resources

Technology is advancing in many ways, and it is changing in order to help assist our students.  Students now have many options when it comes to resources, and the Gale Resources Compant does an excellent job of offering options for students.  In Gale Resources, students can read an e-book or have the text read out loud to them.  Students can listen to audio clips or watch videos about a topic as well. In LIB526, we learned a lot about assistive technologies, and I put together a presentation about the Gale Resources and how they can help students and teachers. The library also has options for students if they do not want to or cannot read a text.  We have audio books and DVDs for students who need extra help with a text or support.

I have also included the 1:1 handbook given to students and teachers.  This communiaton relays the essential information regarding the Chromebooks and the proper usage and responsibilties with it. There is a document for teachers as well about implementing technology into the classroom.  The handbook and this classroom management document were both literature that I helped to create.  I appreciated my district's interest in hearing my opinion and helping with creating these documents that were vital to the implementation of the 1:1 program here at Twin Valley.  We refer to these documents often.

4B. The application of information, communication, assitive, and related technology and tools

consistent with professional ethics and prevailing service norms and applications
Google Classroom.JPG

Twin Valley uses Google Classroom and a LibGuide to organize information and to relay information, communication, and assistive technology and tools. The LibGuide houses all of the databases, including links to middle school level resrouces if a student needs modification. Google Classroom allows for students to communicate with other students and teachers though the use of technology.  They can create products with their Chromebooks and present information in a variety of ways using Google Apps and Extensions.  The students enjoy using Screencastify which allows them to record themselves completing assignments or making a tutorial. Our administration communicates with staff though the Google Classroom, and we get notifications when announcements are posted or documents have been uploaded.  This is a more efficient means of communication than email because the documents and messages never leave the Google Classroom and can easily be retrieved when needed. 

Twin Valley has taken on GoGuardian as a classroom management tool with the 1:1 Chromebooks. This is a way to communicate with students and to make sure they are staying on task. Teachers can set up scenes so all students are on the same website or application.  If a student is off-task, the teacher can communicate with them through the GoGuardian system without physically confronting them. 

The teachers of Twin Valley were given professional development on the View Sonic Boards, and attached is the link to the video and guide.  When it was time to present, I assisted the technology coach in this presentation.  This document is posted in our technology support page, and is accessible if the teachers have lingering questions. 

A final artifact that I have included is a Screencast that I made for my students about navigating Destiny Quest.  This is for students to reference if they are not in the library and need help finding books and locating call numbers. 

File Attachments:
  1. DestinyScreenCast.webm DestinyScreenCast.webm

4C. Methods of assessing and evaluating the specifications, efficacy, and cost efficiency of tech

During the library renovations, I spent a lot of time researching new technology, furniture, and makerspace materials. There were many e-mail communications between me and other librarians about what worked well in their schools and what didn't.  I searched companies for the best prices on technology and equipment, and I put together proposals for my administration to review.  My assistant superintendent and I decided that I should apply for the PA Principal's Grant, and I explained how all of my changes would benefit the library and the student body.  Attached is my grant proposal and my explanations for the grant money.  I have also included a sample of my investigations for technology and their costs.  This was for 3D cameras that I wanted to use with our physics teacher.  He sends up weather balloons and wanted to attach the 3D camera to the balloon so we could watch its journey on my virtual reality program. 

4D. The principles and techniques necessary to identify and analyze emerging technologies

and innovations in order to recognize and implement relevant technological improvements
TVSD 1to1 logo.JPG


For the 2017/2018 school year, I was on Twin Valley's technology committee.  This committee met to discuss moving the district forward with our 1:1 plan and how we could get the teachers proper training for Google and the Chromebooks. This commitee was made up of teachers and administrators from across the district, and together we came up with a plan.  Attached is a sample of one of our meeting agendas from 2015, and also the technology vision matrix that we built as a group.  This vison matrix helped us drive the curriculum and communicate to parents and the community how the technology will help improve the learning enviroment. 


Every teacher got an interactive board this year for his/her classroom.  The library also received one, and they have been a temendous addition to the classroom and library settings. The teachers needed trainging on how to use these boards, and many of them continue to have questions.  Overall, this added technology has been a staple for the 1:1 iniative, and teachers and students are really benefitting from the interactive boards. 

Author: Jessica Miller
Last modified: 10/25/2018 3:42 AM (EST)