A goal of any library should be connecting patrons to the information that they seek. Research is an important aspect of information literacy, and students must learn how to find realiable and credible information. They must also make sure to give credit when they use someone else's work, so the librarian must instruct students how to properly make Works Cited pages and in-text citations. Librarians can use formal research, either qualitative or quanitative to improve their libraries by using survey research and collecting data. Using and analyzing data can help with library services and can help students navigate through the research process.
Within any library, there are examples of partons using quantitative and qualitative research methods on any given day. However, the process of conducting formal research is so much more than just handing out surveys or using a database to find information. In my EDU500 class, we deeply explored research strategies and looked at quantitative and qualative data. Over the course of the class, we focused on one researrch proposal and described our plan in detail. Attached is my IRB training certificate showing that I read and reviewed the formal research protocol.
I have also attached my EDU500 assignment about different kinds of research explaining my choice for our final project. I chose qualitative research in a longitudinal study. This was survey research, and we discussed the steps we would take to gather our data, and what the end goal was.
In the Methods of Research class, I was assigned to review a research study about superintendents and the turnover rate of upper administration. The assignment was to analyze the study and discuss the problem statement, research questions, conext of the study, and unit of analysis. Methodology and take aways from the research were aslo explained in the video. After reading about superintedent turnover and doing this video, it was easier to understand adding in these into my own research. My research project revolved around the 1:1 iniative at Twin Valley, and I was able to get an idea of how to format it after completing this EDU500 asssignment. Attached is the first half of my video presentation on the Superintendent Turnover article.
When I began my reasearch assignment, one of the tasks was to compete a literature review. Because the topic of technology integration is so current, I was able to find some great resources to use for my survey research. Many of the articles talked about 1:1 policies, and I tried to focus on Google connections as well. Attached is my EDU500 Literature Review for my formal research proposal.
In order to move forward with iniatives and continue to grow professionally, it is important to understand the potential and value of resarch. EDU500 was very enlightening to me as I had never conducted formal research before. The class made me appreciate looking at data and the importance of following the research steps in order to get accurate and relevant results. Using formal research is how advancements can be made in education settings.
My research proposal involved the 1:1 initative that Twin Valley was planning to adopt during the 2018/2019 school year. Specifically, I focused on how classroom management will change with the new plan. My research question was, "How will a 1:1 program affect classroom management for teachers and administrators in [Twin Valley] High School?" Since the district has decided to provide every 8-11th grade student with a device, the teachers will be able to conduct any lessons they want to because the students will always be equipped with the technology needed. However, because the students will always have a Chromebook with them, classroom management will look very different than it does now. Teachers will be dealing with more distractions and also an increase in potential cheating. Technology is always advancing and so are school districts. In order for a school district to be successful in keeping up with current trends in education, they need to learn and grow with new technology options. Attached is my full EDU 500 research proposal and my explaination for how my research proposal fits into the criteria of what makes a good research plan. This criteria came from our textbook, Educational Research.