Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain II > Artifact: Middle Ages Significant Figures

Artifact: Middle Ages Significant Figures

Domain 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning
IMG_3656.JPG This artifact falls under Domain 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning. At the end of my unit on the Middle Ages, I had my students create a poster about a significant figure of the Middle Ages. As students walked into the room, I handed the students a slip of paper with a name of a significant person from the Middle Ages. Once students sat down, I distributed to them the project description sheet (see attached.) Upon completion of my explainanation, students were able to use their notes, their textbooks, and even the Google Chromebooks located at the back of the room in order to further research their significant figure. Students wiht more prominent figures such as Joan of Arc, had little to no research to do at all, due to the extensive conversations we had about her throughout the unit. For the students with less significant figures that we did not focus on, these students had to do a little more research in their books and on the Chromebooks. The three components of this project were a picture of the significant figure, "fast-facts," as well as a persuasive essay supporting their claim. They had to take a stance about their significant figure and make a claim, such as "Charlemagne was the most influential figure in the Middle Ages." Throughout their essay, students were to provide specific examples that would support their claim. This activity was a fun and educational, as it met the needs of diverse learners, and it goes along with the historical writing Common Core standards.
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)