Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain III > Artifact: Islamic Empires Writing Assessment

Artifact: Islamic Empires Writing Assessment

Domain 3d: Providing Feedback to Students
Islam.gif This artifact falls under the category 3d because it is an excellent example of me providing feedback to students. I gave feedback in an extremely timely manner, as I had assigned a summative writing assessment on the Islamic Empires unit on a Tuesday, and had graded each essay and returned it back to the students on a Thursday. Each student wrote roughly two and half pages on lined paper, following the outline I had provided for them. In my honors classes, I have 87 students, and although I knew grading these as opposed to a traditional test would take much longer, but I thought that it would be worthwhile and more beneficial for the students to improve their writing skills. I have provided a few examples of student work, maintaining confidentiality.
File Attachments:
  1. Study Tool - Islamic Empires.docx Study Tool - Islamic Empires.docx
    This was a "possible key terms" list that I had given my students to use as a study tool for the exam. I distributed these on a Friday and the students had their writing assessment on a Tuesday
  2. Writing Assessment Islamic Empires.docx Writing Assessment Islamic Empires.docx
    This is the writing assessment for the Islamic Empires unit. The top portion has the instructions as well as the key words, and the bottom portion is the structure, or outline, in which the students should model their essays on.
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)