Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

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Artifact: Example Unit Plan

Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction
IMG_3654 (1).JPG For my SEFE 319 course here at Slippery Rock University, one requirement to prepare us for our field and student teaching experiences was to design and create a unit plan of our choice. My unit plan was on the United States Constitution. As you can see in the attached rubric, I received a 97 out of 100 possible points. The criteria that was required was that the unit overview was completely and correctly filled out, showed evidence of the use of a backward design philosophy, that each lesson plan template was completely and correctly filled out, that all ancillary material was present, that all lesson plans and unit plan correctly indicated applicable state standards found in PDE SAS, that lessons within the unit aligned to NCSS Thematic Strands, that lesson plans and unit plan show evidence of appropriate formative and summative assessment strategies, that lesson plans show evidence of attempts to engage all students at their levels, and that he unit plan was presented in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Please reference the attached materials and photos in order to see the level of work put into this unit, and how exactly it aligns with Domain 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction, as well as many other domains of the Danielson Framework. 
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)