Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain IV > Artifact: Welcome Brochure

Artifact: Welcome Brochure

Domain 4c: Communicating with Families
This artifact falls under the Domain 4c because I distributed these Welcome Brochures to each one of my students to share with their families. The brochure was made in order to establish a good rapport between not only the students and myself, but also the students' families and myself. It includes a permission slip that parents/guardians were to grant permission for photos and/or videos of their children to be taken throughout my time student  teaching. 
File Attachments:
  1. Student Teaching Welcome Brochure.docx Student Teaching Welcome Brochure.docx
    This was made into a tri-fold brochure that was then distributed to each one of my students. The students seemed pleased to receive this sort of "welcome" and parents responded well to it because I was able to obtain 100% of parent/guardian signatures on the permission slips.
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)