Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain I

Domain I

Planning, Preperation, and Assessment


1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

refers to academic standards that are sensitive to diverse perspectives

• applies learning principles which consider the knowledge bases of diversity

• utilizes content related to several diverse perspectives

• includes concepts and skills that are relevant to students’ needs and interests

• writes lesson plans that accommodates diverse learning styles

• adapts teaching techniques appropriate to students’ levels of understanding



1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

relates principles of human growth and development from a variety of diverse cultures

• exhibits a sensitivity to community and cultural norms

• assesses individual needs and interests of students

• uses what students know and are able to do

• integrates the resources individual students bring to the classroom



1c: Designing Instructional Goals and Objectives

includes needs of diverse learners

• identifies important concepts and skills

• writes clear goals and objectives for the different ways in which diverse students learn

• matches goals and objectives to students’ diverse learning styles

• creates goals and objectives that correspond to viable methods of assessment



1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources for Teaching and for Students’ Use

identifies school and district resources for diverse learners

• uses technology to locate and obtain resources

• makes use of community organizations for resources and information

• includes families/caregivers as assets in the learning setting




1e: Designing Coherent Instruction

plans thoroughly and consistently

• addresses students’ current needs and connects to the next level of learning

• organizes heterogeneous instructional groups

• uses variety and sensitivity in selecting instructional techniques and materials

• designs activities that ensure students’ application of knowledge and skills

• incorporates students’ interests into lessons

• organizes and prepares materials, supplies, and equipment

• develops long-term instructional sequences


1f: Assessing Student Learning

selects assessment methods that correspond to instructional goals and objectives

• designs appropriate formal/informal assessment strategies

• communicates criteria and standards to students in an effective manner

• establishes methods for assessing student progress

• adapts assessment methods for varying students’ needs and abilities

• utilizes a variety of techniques for student self-assessment

• uses assessment results in planning subsequent instruction




Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)