Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain II

Domain II

The Classroom Environment


2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

interacts positively with all students from an anti-biased perspective

• demonstrates genuine concern and respect for all students

• establishes and maintains appropriate rapport with students as individuals

• encourages responses and interactions that foster positive relationships among students

• establishes an environment of respect that values individual differences among students


2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning

establishes high expectations for individuals of varying abilities

• cultivates student interest in the content and makes it relevant to the learner

• models the importance of cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning


2c: Managing Classroom Procedures

manages and selects instructional groups that reflect diversity

• creates smooth instructional transitions

• establishes an environment that fosters student responsibility

• uses efficient routines for handling materials and supplies

• uses effective strategies for managing non-instructional duties

• supervises and collaborates with volunteers and paraprofessionals in an equitable manner


2d: Managing Student Behavior

observes, monitors and records relevant student behaviors

• creates and applies realistic standards of conduct for all students

• documents the interactions of diverse instructional groups to maximize productivity

• responds effectively and sensitively to individual student behavior

• works with all students to encourage positive behavior choices

• encourages and aids in the positive development of students’ self-discipline


2e: Organizing Physical Space

creates and maintains a physical environment that is safe for all students

• develops functional arrangements conducive to learning for all students

• arranges space so all students have access to positive learning

Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)