Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain III > Artifact: Berlin Wall

Artifact: Berlin Wall

Domain 3c: Engaging Students in Learning
ReaganBerlinWall130612.jpg This artifact falls under Domain 3c: Engaging students in learning. For this lesson, I gave a brief history about the Berlin Wall through a lecture. Also, I showed a New York Times interactive website that provided really neat pictures of the Berlin Wall then and now. In order to make this information relevant to the students, their homework assignment was to conduct a personal interview with somebody who would have been alive at the time of the Berlin Wall being torn down. This should not have been a tough task considering it was in the year 1989, and I even opened up the opportunity for students to interview teachers within the school. By doing this, I was able to engage students with the content and make the information relevant. 
File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan Berlin Wall.docx Lesson Plan Berlin Wall.docx
    Lesson Plan
  2. The Berlin Wall Personal Interview.docx The Berlin Wall Personal Interview.docx
    Berlin Wall Homework
  3. The Berlin Wall PPT.pptx The Berlin Wall PPT.pptx
    Lecture Visual Aid
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)