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The Basic Biography

My life, as I know it, the short version.
Painting (Lg.)

My name is Bonnie Scott Miner. The Bonnie Scott, it's my first name, my whole first name, and I don't have a middle name. Some of my ancestry is Scottish (suprise!), but I am also English, French, Welsh... My mother's family is out of Bradford,NH and my father grew up in Saco, Maine. I have a lot of extended family, and I will joke about "having a cousin for that." I am one of 16 grandchildren on my mother's side, and most of us grew up together. Central location: Grammie and Grampa's house.

I moved often when I was younger. I have attended different schools in Massachussetts, Upstate New York, Virginia and Oklahoma. Home has always been New Hampshire. The week school got out, my older sister, younger brother and I would come up from where ever we were living, not going back until the week before school. While I have done some traveling, I primarily travel, in both place and time, vicarioulsy through food.

I love Renaissance Faires, cooking, costuming and cartoons. I am curious about almost everything, but cautious enough to think before making a leap. I will experiment with new ideas, and recipes, and it doesn't always work out, but there is always something to learn. 

Author: Bonnie Scott Miner
Last modified: 10/21/2015 12:55 PM (EDT)