Miss Miner's Language ARTS

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Vocabulary and other homework assignments
File Attachments:
  1. The Rage of Achilles Questions The Rage of Achilles Questions
    You are choosing at least two of the questions. Answer in detail. I would expect a least one paragraph of 5-7 sentences for each response.
  2. Tides of War Questions.docx Tides of War Questions.docx
    One play we do in two parts, questions are for homework if not completed in class.
  3. Vocabulary for Fever 1793 Vocabulary for Fever 1793
    Words are from Assignments 2 and 3, Look up definitions and synonyms only!
  4. War at Troy Questions War at Troy Questions
    Three questions for War at Troy, borrow a copy of the play if you need it for reference.
Quill (Lg.)

Vocabulary words are assigned at the beginning of each week and the Homework is regular and predictable. 


  • definition (working toward using our own words)
  • synonyms (and illustrations)
  • sentence (common and proper nouns as subjects)
  • editing and revising sentences 


Journals will be posted and accessed under Written Expression.

Pioneers of Science 

Students need to find at least three (3) resources on his or her scientist.

Students gather informations, facts, about the scientists, recording the facts into the Pyramid Graphic Organizer Provided, or using it as a guide to take two column notes.

Students use the facts, recorded and sorted, to write a short biography. 

Final Draft is due Wednesday, December 17th. Anyone wishing to share must have the Published Draft in hand on Wednesday at the start of class. 

Because this is our first biography involving notes and sources, an extention may be requested.






Author: Bonnie Scott Miner
Last modified: 10/21/2015 12:55 PM (EDT)