PGHS-PE Department

Home > Announcements



  • Pay your $20 uniform to the financial office and bring your receipt to your coach.
  • Pay your $5 Fitness for Life fee to the financial office and bring your receipt to your coach.
  • Pay your Lifetime Activities fee $45 to the financial office and bring your receipt to your coach.
  • Check off that you and your parents have read the disclosure document by
    • Selecting the Teacher that you are enrolled in under Web Links
      • Example: Coach ______
    • Select the class period disclosure in the middle of the page of the class that you are taking.
      • Example: A3 Disclosure Weight Training
    • Next to “Name;” There is a blank space to type your name.
    • Type your name in the space provided.
    • Select Login & Start.
    Complete the Disclosure test until finished</FONT></FONT></SPAN></LI>
Web Links:
  1. Coach Hall Dislosure Coach Hall Dislosure
  2. Coach McAllister Discolosure Coach McAllister Discolosure
  3. Coach Moore Disclosure Coach Moore Disclosure
  4. Coach Shelton Disclosure Coach Shelton Disclosure
  5. Fitnessgram Fitnessgram
    choose state, district, school then enter 1st initial, middle initial, last name no spaces.Their password is your student number.
Author: Brock Moore
Last modified: 09/25/2012 3:13 AM (MST)