PGHS-PE Department

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Lifetime Activities "'Walkaway" concepts


1. I know the keys to of the basic skills covered in each sport played.


2. I know the basic rules each sport played.


3. I will know the basic history of the sports covered in class.


4. I will do my best to work on each skill by doing my best in completing a practice plan worksheet on units covered in class.


5. I will be able to lead the class in a warm up routine at least once.


6. I will participate and do my best on the fitness tests.


7. I will maintain a positive attitude about fitness.


8. I know the importance of lifetime fitness.

UT- Utah Core Curriculum
Subject: Physical Education (previous)
Grade / Course 7720: Individual Activities (9-12)
Students in this one-semester course will acquire skills in a variety of lifetime activities that contribute to sustained fitness and well- being. These skills and activities offer positive ways to cope with stress and contribute to the quality of life, not only as a student, but as a future adult. The following activities will not fulfill the Responsible Healthy Lifestyles--Movement and Fitness core course requirements for graduation but may be used for an elective credit at the discretion of the school/district: (1) Pep Club, (2) Cheerleaders, (3) Songleaders, (4) ROTC, (5) Marching Bands, (6) Flag Corps, and (7) Rodeo.
Standard 7720 - 01: Physical EducationThe students will develop skills in a variety of lifetime activities, including dance.
Objective 7720-0101 : Demonstrate three advanced skill competencies in a minimum of three individual lifetime activities
Standard 7720 - 02: Physical EducationThe students will develop strategies, techniques, and a knowledge of rules in a variety of lifetime activities, including dance.
Objective 7720-0201 : Demonstrate strategies and techniques of three individual lifetime activities.
Objective 7720-0202 : Demonstrate a knowledge of the rules of three individual lifetime activities.
Standard 7720 - 03: Physical EducationThe student will maintain an acceptable level of health related fitness.
Objective 7720-0301 : Demonstrate a level of fitness in each of the categories as prescribed:
Indicator: GIRLS Cardiovascular 1-1/2 mile run 14 min. 30 sec. or 12 min. walk/run 2160 yards or 3 mile walk under 40 min. Arm and shoulder strength Flexed arm hang 10 sec. Abdominal strength/endurance Flexed leg sit-ups 38 Flexibility Sit - Reach 35 cm e.Recommended that percent body fat be 18-22% Sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold 16-29 mm
Indicator: BOYS Cardiovascular 1-1/2 mile run 11 min. or 12 min. walk/run 2700 yards or 3 mile walk under 37 min. Arm and shoulder strength Pull-ups 8 sec. Abdominal strength/endurance Flexed leg sit-ups 47 Flexibility Sit - Reach 30 cm e.Recommended that percent body fat be 15-17% Sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold 13-17 mm
Author: Brock Moore
Last modified: 09/25/2012 3:13 AM (MST)