PGHS-PE Department

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Fitness For Life

"Walkaway" Concepts


Semester Class

First Quarter

1. I understand the cost of inactivity in dollars and health risk factors including Type II Diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

2. I know why and how physical fitness benefits my metabolism.

3. I know how to prepare properly for physical activity and how to properly cool down.

4. I know the difference between aerobic and anaerobic activity and the benefits of both.

5. I know that the FITT formula stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

6. I can identify the parts of the activity pyramid including the advice that leisure time should be limited.

7. I can describe several types of active recreation and their benefits and risk factors.

8. I know how to prepare for exercise in different environmental risk factors including altitude, humidity, heat and cold.


Second Quarter

1.  I can plan and evaluate my personal work out program.

2.  I am able to recognize truth as well as scam in the health industry.

3.  I know what good nutrition includes and why it helps me to be more physically fit.

4.  I know ways to control stress.

5.  I know that 3,500 calories equals one pound and understand how to control my weight.

6.  I know how to set workable goals which lead to success.

7.  I know the difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength and how to improve in both areas.

8.  I understand the benefits of flexibility in physical performance.  I know how to gain flexibility.

UT- Utah Core Curriculum
Subject: Physical Education (previous)
Grade / Course 7710: Fitness for Life (9-12)
This one-semester course helps each student adopt a personal lifestyle that will achieve physical fitness. Specifically, students will identify and understand all of the components of fitness, such as cardio-vascular fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance, weight control, nutrition, and stress management. The following activities will not fulfill the Responsible Healthy Lifestyles--Movement and Fitness core course requirements for graduation but may be used for an elective credit at the discretion of the school/district: (1) Pep Club, (2) Cheerleaders, (3) Songleaders, (4) ROTC, (5) Marching Bands, (6) Flag Corps, and (7) Rodeo.
Standard 7710 - 01: Physical EducationThe students will know that cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, endurance, weight control, nutrition, and stress management are necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
Objective 7710-0101 : Demonstrate the principle of cardiovascular fitness; i.e.,
Indicator: pulse rate,
Indicator: aerobic exercises,
Indicator: training zone,
Indicator: intensity,
Indicator: duration,
Indicator: overloading,
Indicator: frequency,
Indicator: safety.
Objective 7710-0102 : Identify blood pressure and blood cholesterol as they relate to principles of cardiovascular fitness.
Objective 7710-0103 : Demonstrate the principle of strength fitness; i.e.,
Indicator: intensity,
Indicator: duration,
Indicator: overload,
Indicator: progression,
Indicator: frequency,
Indicator: safety.
Objective 7710-0104 : Demonstrate the principle of flexibility; i.e.,
Indicator: warm-up,
Indicator: range of motion,
Indicator: intensity--static vs. ballistic,
Indicator: frequency,
Indicator: duration.
Objective 7710-0105 : Demonstrate the principle of muscle endurance; i.e.,
Indicator: intensity,
Indicator: difference between muscle strength and muscular endurance,
Indicator: duration,
Indicator: progression,
Indicator: frequency.
Objective 7710-0106 : Demonstrate the principles of weight control and nutrition; i.e.,
Indicator: percent of body fat,
Indicator: effects of high and low cholesterol diets on nutrition and weight control,
Indicator: effects of exercise on weight control.
Objective 7710-0107 : Demonstrate principles of stress management including Type A and Type B behavior; i.e.,
Indicator: symptoms,
Indicator: causes,
Indicator: potential results,
Indicator: coping skills/ reducing risks.
Objective 7710-0108 : Demonstrate principles of healthy lifestyles that will improve quality and longevity of life including relaxation techniques.
Standard 7710 - 02: Physical EducationThe students will develop, follow, and evaluate their own personal fitness plan.
Objective 7710-0201 : Submit a written personal fitness plan.
Objective 7710-0202 : Follow their personal fitness plan.
Objective 7710-0203 : Evaluate their personal fitness plan.
Standard 7710 - 03: Physical EducationThe students will achieve a high level of physical fitness.
Objective 7710-0301 : Demonstrate a level of fitness in each of the following categories as prescribed:
Indicator: GIRLS Arm and shoulder strength Flexed arm hang 14 sec. Abdominal strength/ endurance Flexed leg sit-ups 39 Cardiovascular 1-1\2 mile run 14 min.,or 12 min. walk/run 2232 yards or 3 mile walk test 38 min. Flexibility Sit - Reach 35 cm Body weight is within the recommended Metropolitan Life Insurance Life weight tables for sex, age, height, and bone structure (frame), or within the recommended percent body fat (Girls--18 to 22 percent). Sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold 16-29 mm
Indicator: BOYS Arm and shoulder strength Pull-ups 9 Abdominal strength/ endurance Flexed leg sit-ups 48 Cardiovascular 1-1\2 mile run 10 min., 48 sec. or 12 min. walk/run 2819 yards or 3 mile walk test 35 min. Flexibility Sit - Reach 30 cm Body weight is within the recommended Metropolitan Life Insurance Life weight tables for sex, age, height, and bone structure (frame), or within the recommended percent body fat (Boys--15 to 17 percent). Sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold 13-17 mm
Author: Brock Moore
Last modified: 09/25/2012 3:13 AM (MST)