PGHS-PE Department

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Walkaway  Concepts

Weight training Q1

1. I know and can demonstrate the requirements of responsible weight lifting.

2. I know and can demonstrate the requirements of responsible spotting.

3. I know the advantages and disadvantages of free weights and weight machines.

4. I understand that there is no such thing as spot reducing. Cardiovascular work is required. (i.e.Working out thighs to get them smaller.)

5. I can cite 10 healthy reasons to weight train.

6. I can identify the most common muscles used in weight training.

7. I will increase my bench press max by at least 10 pounds.

8. I will increase my leg press max by at least 20 pounds.

9. I know the difference between concentric and eccentric contractions and why eccentric contractions cause more soreness.


Weight training Q2

1. I can identify an isometric workout and explain its benefits.

2. I can identify a plyometric workout and explain its benefits.

3. I know the dangers of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

4. I recognize exercise as a stress reliever.  Exercise also helps to eliminate harmful stress.

5. I can design a personal workout in four major lifting areas, arms, legs, back and abs.

6. I can lead the class in a pre-planned workout which emphasizes a specific body lifting area.

7. I know the health benefits of reducing fats, increasing whole grains and fruits and vegetables.

8. I know how to train for strength and how to train for endurance which requires different goals and methods.

UT- Utah Core Curriculum
Subject: Physical Education (previous)
Grade / Course 7730: Advanced Individual Activities
As a means of coping with stress and contributing to the fitness and well-being of the individual throughout life, the students in this one-semester course will select one or two lifetime activities in which they will specialize. Schools may offer a .5 credit course in Dance, Aerobics, Cycling, Tennis, Weight Training, etc., or a combination of any two, as long as the course includes the core standards. Successful completion of two seasons of competitive sports participation, or drill team may also satisfy the course requirements. The following activities will not fulfill the Responsible Healthy Lifestyles--Movement and Fitness core course requirements for graduation but may be used for an elective credit at the discretion of the school/ district: (1) Pep Club, (2) Cheerleaders, (3) Songleaders, (4) ROTC, (5) Marching Bands, (6) Flag Corps, and (7) Rodeo.
Standard 7730 - 01: Physical EducationThe students will continue to develop skills in their selected lifetime activity.
Objective 7730-0101 : Demonstrate six skills at a high level in at least one individual lifetime activity.
Standard 7730 - 02: Physical Education The students will develop and refine strategies, techniques, and a knowledge of the rules in their selected lifetime activity.
Objective 7730-0201 : Demonstrate advanced strategies and techniques for at least one individual lifetime activity.
Standard 7730 - 03: Physical EducationThe students will maintain an acceptable level of health related fitness.
Author: Brock Moore
Last modified: 09/25/2012 3:13 AM (MST)