Walkaway Concepts
Weight training Q1
1. I know and can demonstrate the requirements of responsible weight lifting.
2. I know and can demonstrate the requirements of responsible spotting.
3. I know the advantages and disadvantages of free weights and weight machines.
4. I understand that there is no such thing as spot reducing. Cardiovascular work is required. (i.e.Working out thighs to get them smaller.)
5. I can cite 10 healthy reasons to weight train.
6. I can identify the most common muscles used in weight training.
7. I will increase my bench press max by at least 10 pounds.
8. I will increase my leg press max by at least 20 pounds.
9. I know the difference between concentric and eccentric contractions and why eccentric contractions cause more soreness.
Weight training Q2
1. I can identify an isometric workout and explain its benefits.
2. I can identify a plyometric workout and explain its benefits.
3. I know the dangers of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.
4. I recognize exercise as a stress reliever. Exercise also helps to eliminate harmful stress.
5. I can design a personal workout in four major lifting areas, arms, legs, back and abs.
6. I can lead the class in a pre-planned workout which emphasizes a specific body lifting area.
7. I know the health benefits of reducing fats, increasing whole grains and fruits and vegetables.
8. I know how to train for strength and how to train for endurance which requires different goals and methods.