Synthesis Portfolio

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Center for Experiential Learning


As a Peer Mentor in the Center for Experiential Learning (CEL) my main objectives have been to assist students and faculty while helping other CEL staff members support their programing areas. Over the past year, I have helped design and edit Center publications, held walk-in hours for students, maintained the ePortfolio website, generated sample content for the ePortfolio initiative and given various presentations to new students. I have also had the pleasure of assisting in several hiring processes for both student and full-time staff positions.       




I have learned a great deal about myself and working in higher

education because of the CEL.


I have learned a great deal about myself and working in higher education because of the CEL. I have strengthened my communication, design, organizational and leadership skills, while exploring what interests me. The unique perspective I have gained on student programming and the incredibly interesting people I have met have also piqued my interest in the field. The formative experience I have had in the Center for Experiential Learning is one of the major reasons I hope to go into higher education upon graduating from Loyola. I look forward to seeing how the Center will continue to grow and change over the next two years. 


Author: Travis Olson
Last modified: 9/12/2012 6:37 PM (EDT)