Mr. Olson's Place on the Net

  1. Home
  2. 1. California Healthy Kids Survey
  3. 2. Car Insurance and Maintenance
  4. 3. Osama bin Laden web quest
  5. 4. Surfing in the Islands
  6. 5. Web Quest August 25th
  7. 6. European Union web quest
  8. 7. Europe Travel Diary/Magazine
  9. 8. 5 themes assignment
  10. 9. Money Assignment
  11. 10. PSA Project
  12. 11. Scopes Monkey Trial
  13. 12. What's Cooking? Essay
  14. 13. Saddam Hussein and The Kurds web quest
  15. 14. Asia Inspiration Project
  16. 15. Africa PowerPoint
  17. 16. The Hajj web quest
  18. 17. Cigar and Snus web quest DBQ
  19. 18. Alan Freed/ Wolfman Jack web quest
  20. 19. Rockford Files web quest
  21. 20. Europe Web Challenge
  22. 21. Civil Rights Timeline web quest
  23. 22. Mexico and Canada Web Quest
  24. 23. Immigration Magazine Assignment
  25. 24. Domestic Violence/Date Rape web quest
  26. 25. Climate Poster
  27. 26. Tobacco/Addiction web quest
  28. 27. Mr. Olson on the Radio
  29. 28. Africa Web Quest
  30. 29. Unit 1 Review Guide
  31. 30. Nielsen Ratings Web Quest
  32. 31. KKK and Labor Issues web quest
  33. 32. 1950's TV web quest
  34. 33. Propaganda web quest
  35. 34. Course Descriptions
  36. 35. Research Links
  37. 36. Syria DBQ Online Essay
  38. 37. Bermuda Triangle
  39. 38. Asia Team PowerPoint
  40. 39. Network Movie Essay
  41. 40. Primetime Soaps and Dallas web quest
  42. 41. All in the Family web quest
  43. 42. The Israel Wall Web Challenge
  44. 43. Extra Credit
  45. 44. The Pitch
  46. 45. Middle East Study Guide
  47. 46. World Studies Final Review 2nd Sem
  48. 47. Africa study guide
  49. 48. Asia Web Quest
  50. 49. Asia Study Guide
  51. 50. SE Asia Study guide
  52. 51. Latin America Study Guide
  53. 52. Cheers and The Cosby Show
  54. 53. Tobacco and Health Study Guide
  55. 54. Personal History Map
  56. 55. Bushmen of the Kalahari
  57. 56. The Twilight Zone
  58. 57. Dick Van Dyke Show web quest
  59. 58. Asia Group PowerPoint Project
  60. 59. Create Your Own Island
  61. 60. Web Design Web Challenge
  62. 61. Standards
  63. 62. Daily Trivia
  64. 63. Buy Your Own Car
  65. 64. FCC Web Quest
  66. 65. The Western Web Quest
  67. 66. Hiroshima Web Quest
  68. 67. Flip Wilson/SNL Web Quest
  69. 68. Woodstock Web Quest
  70. 69. TV News History web quest
  71. 70. Sex Ed Resources
  72. 71. STD web quest
  73. 72. I Love Lucy web quest
  74. 73. Dragnet
  75. 74. Deforestation web quest
  76. 75. Polls Web Quest
  77. 76. Marijuana Legalization DBQ
  78. 77. Ed Sullivan web quest
  79. 78. FDR web quest
  80. 79. Holocaust web quest
  81. 80. Cold War timeline DBQ
  82. 81. Ellis Island web quest
  83. 82. World War I web quest
  84. 83. Honeymooners web quest
  85. 84. Clinton Impeachment web quest
  86. 85. Plessy vs. Ferguson
  87. 86. Radio Talk Show web quest
  88. 87. Andy Griffith and Danny Thomas web quest
  89. 88. Brady Bunch web quest
  90. 89. Seinfeld Web Quest
  91. 90. Reality TV web quest
  92. 91. X Files web quest
  93. 92. Ronald Reagan web quest
  94. 93. Anonymous Sources web quest
  95. 94. Radio Timeline web quest
  96. 95. Jim Crow Laws
  97. 96. 1930's Radio Shows
  98. 97. DBQ URLs to use
  99. 98. Cable TV web quest
  100. 99. 1960's Spy Shows and Sci-Fi Shows
  101. 100. Cuban Missile Crisis
  102. 101. Teddy R web quest
Home > 6. European Union web quest

6. European Union web quest

Get out a piece of binder paper and use the link to find all the answers:

1. What is the EU and how many countries are members?

2. The EU was created by what treaty?

3. What was the treaty dsigined to enhance?

4. What is the ECSC?

5. What was signed on March 25, 1957?

6) What is the EEC?

7. What is the Brussels Treaty?

8. How many countries are there in the EU?

9. What three countries joined the EEC in 1973?

10. What was established in 1979?

11. What is the SEA?

12. What is the Maastricht Treaty?

13. What happened on January 1, 1999 with regards to the Euro?

14. What three countries joined the EU in 1995?

15. What is the Treaty of Amsterdam?

16. What happened after the end of the Cold War?

17. Why was the applicationn of Turkey controversial?

18. What 10 countries joined the EU in 2004?

19. What is the Lisbon Treaty?

20. Why did Václav Klaus express concern about ratifying the Lisbon Treaty?


Web Links:
  1. EU link EU link
Author: Patrick Olson
Last modified: 4/30/2020 5:05 PM (EDT)