Mr. Olson's Place on the Net

  1. Home
  2. 1. California Healthy Kids Survey
  3. 2. Car Insurance and Maintenance
  4. 3. Osama bin Laden web quest
  5. 4. Surfing in the Islands
  6. 5. Web Quest August 25th
  7. 6. European Union web quest
  8. 7. Europe Travel Diary/Magazine
  9. 8. 5 themes assignment
  10. 9. Money Assignment
  11. 10. PSA Project
  12. 11. Scopes Monkey Trial
  13. 12. What's Cooking? Essay
  14. 13. Saddam Hussein and The Kurds web quest
  15. 14. Asia Inspiration Project
  16. 15. Africa PowerPoint
  17. 16. The Hajj web quest
  18. 17. Cigar and Snus web quest DBQ
  19. 18. Alan Freed/ Wolfman Jack web quest
  20. 19. Rockford Files web quest
  21. 20. Europe Web Challenge
  22. 21. Civil Rights Timeline web quest
  23. 22. Mexico and Canada Web Quest
  24. 23. Immigration Magazine Assignment
  25. 24. Domestic Violence/Date Rape web quest
  26. 25. Climate Poster
  27. 26. Tobacco/Addiction web quest
  28. 27. Mr. Olson on the Radio
  29. 28. Africa Web Quest
  30. 29. Unit 1 Review Guide
  31. 30. Nielsen Ratings Web Quest
  32. 31. KKK and Labor Issues web quest
  33. 32. 1950's TV web quest
  34. 33. Propaganda web quest
  35. 34. Course Descriptions
  36. 35. Research Links
  37. 36. Syria DBQ Online Essay
  38. 37. Bermuda Triangle
  39. 38. Asia Team PowerPoint
  40. 39. Network Movie Essay
  41. 40. Primetime Soaps and Dallas web quest
  42. 41. All in the Family web quest
  43. 42. The Israel Wall Web Challenge
  44. 43. Extra Credit
  45. 44. The Pitch
  46. 45. Middle East Study Guide
  47. 46. World Studies Final Review 2nd Sem
  48. 47. Africa study guide
  49. 48. Asia Web Quest
  50. 49. Asia Study Guide
  51. 50. SE Asia Study guide
  52. 51. Latin America Study Guide
  53. 52. Cheers and The Cosby Show
  54. 53. Tobacco and Health Study Guide
  55. 54. Personal History Map
  56. 55. Bushmen of the Kalahari
  57. 56. The Twilight Zone
  58. 57. Dick Van Dyke Show web quest
  59. 58. Asia Group PowerPoint Project
  60. 59. Create Your Own Island
  61. 60. Web Design Web Challenge
  62. 61. Standards
  63. 62. Daily Trivia
  64. 63. Buy Your Own Car
  65. 64. FCC Web Quest
  66. 65. The Western Web Quest
  67. 66. Hiroshima Web Quest
  68. 67. Flip Wilson/SNL Web Quest
  69. 68. Woodstock Web Quest
  70. 69. TV News History web quest
  71. 70. Sex Ed Resources
  72. 71. STD web quest
  73. 72. I Love Lucy web quest
  74. 73. Dragnet
  75. 74. Deforestation web quest
  76. 75. Polls Web Quest
  77. 76. Marijuana Legalization DBQ
  78. 77. Ed Sullivan web quest
  79. 78. FDR web quest
  80. 79. Holocaust web quest
  81. 80. Cold War timeline DBQ
  82. 81. Ellis Island web quest
  83. 82. World War I web quest
  84. 83. Honeymooners web quest
  85. 84. Clinton Impeachment web quest
  86. 85. Plessy vs. Ferguson
  87. 86. Radio Talk Show web quest
  88. 87. Andy Griffith and Danny Thomas web quest
  89. 88. Brady Bunch web quest
  90. 89. Seinfeld Web Quest
  91. 90. Reality TV web quest
  92. 91. X Files web quest
  93. 92. Ronald Reagan web quest
  94. 93. Anonymous Sources web quest
  95. 94. Radio Timeline web quest
  96. 95. Jim Crow Laws
  97. 96. 1930's Radio Shows
  98. 97. DBQ URLs to use
  99. 98. Cable TV web quest
  100. 99. 1960's Spy Shows and Sci-Fi Shows
  101. 100. Cuban Missile Crisis
  102. 101. Teddy R web quest
Home > 61. Standards

61. Standards

Better Calif.jpg
Parents and students take note that there are no state standards for 9th grade Social Studies. However we will address many of the 10th and 11th grade standards in preperation for later study. Attached you will find the general standards for the 9th-12th grade years in the area of Social Studies.

There is also a heavy computer focus during the Freshman year and also attached are the many national technology standards that will be addressed during the year.
CA- California K-12 Academic Content Standards
Subject: History & Social Science
Grade: Grades Nine Through Twelve
Area: Historical and Social Sciences Analysis SkillsThe intellectual skills noted below are to be learned through, and applied to, the content standards for grades nine through twelve. They are to be assessed only in conjunction with the content standards in grades nine through twelve. In addition to the standards for grades nine through twelve, students demonstrate the following intellectual, reasoning, reflection, and research skills.
Sub-Strand: Chronological and Spatial Thinking
Standard 2: Students analyze how change happens at different rates at different times; understand that some aspects can change while others remain the same; and understand that change is complicated and affects not only technology and politics but also values and beliefs.
Standard 3: Students use a variety of maps and documents to interpret human movement, including major patterns of domestic and international migration, changing environmental preferences and settlement patterns, the frictions that develop between population groups, and the diffusion of ideas, technological innovations, and goods.
Standard 4: Students relate current events to the physical and human characteristics of places and regions.
Sub-Strand: Historical Research, Evidence, and Point of View
Standard 4: Students construct and test hypotheses; collect, evaluate, and employ information from multiple primary and secondary sources; and apply it in oral and written presentations.
Sub-Strand: Historical Interpretation
Standard 1: Students show the connections, causal and otherwise, between particular historical events and larger social, economic, and political trends and developments.
Standard 2: Students recognize the complexity of historical causes and effects, including the limitations on determining cause and effect.
Standard 5: Students analyze human modifications of landscapes and examine the resulting environmental policy issues.
USA- ISTE: Profiles for Technology Literate Students (includes NETS for Students) (old)
Grade: Grades 9-12

Numbers in parentheses following each performance indicator refer to the standards category to which the performance is linked. The categories are:
1. Basic operations and concepts
2. Social, ethical, and human issues
3. Technology productivity tools
4. Technology communications tools
5. Technology research tools
6. Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools

Reprinted from National Educational Technology Standards for Students - Connecting Curriculum and Technology, copyright © 2000, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l),, All rights reserved. For more information about the NETS Project, contact Lajeane Thomas, Director, NETS Project, 318.257.3923, Reprint permission does not constitute an endorsement by ISTE or the NETS Project.

Performance Objective 1: Identify capabilities and limitations of contemporary and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning, and workplace needs. (2)
Performance Objective 2: Make informed choices among technology systems, resources, and services. (1, 2)
Performance Objective 3: Analyze advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and in society as a whole. (2)
Performance Objective 4: Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. (2)
Performance Objective 5: Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence). (3, 4)
Performance Objective 6: Evaluate technology-based options, including distance and distributed education, for lifelong learning. (5)
Performance Objective 7: Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publications, communications, and productivity. (4, 5, 6)
Performance Objective 8: Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning. (4, 5)
Performance Objective 9: Investigate and apply expert systems, intelligent agents, and simulations in real-world situations. (3, 5, 6)
Performance Objective 10: Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. (4, 5, 6)
Author: Patrick Olson
Last modified: 4/30/2020 5:05 PM (EDT)