Sydney Peck Loyola Experience

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Academic Engagement



One of the wonderful things about Loyola is the courses they have available and the courses they require their students to take. Each student is required to fulfill "CORE" requirements; classes based on historical knowledge, literary knowledge, scientific knowledge, artistic knowledge and so on and so forth. By requiring students to take these classes, Loyola has been doing us a huge favor. We are expanding our minds in many directions instead of just one, and we are becoming well-rounded individuals. Each course I have taken has added something to my life and has helped me to blossom as an active member of society. The attached picture is my "garden" of the courses. Most of the classes listed are science based ones that contribute to my Biology major, however the other non-science courses are some of my favorite CORE classes that have impacted me equally (if not more) than some of my major classes.

Author: Sydney Peck
Last modified: 4/8/2015 5:09 PM (EDT)