I consider these accomplishments a reflection of all who have been part of my life; guiding me, helping me, challenging me, supporting me, and caring.
Thanks be to God.
Thanks be to my family.
Thanks be to everyone who has been a positive influence in my life.
Peace, Gregorio.
2011 Influential Mathematics Educator Award, Imperial County Mathematics Council
2008 Monty Award Recipient, San Diego State University.
2002 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Mary Catherine Ellwein Outstanding Dissertation Award Finalist.
1998 Who's Who Among American Teachers.
1998 Disabled Student Program and Services Recognition, Imperial Valley College.
1995 Equal Opportunity Program and Services Recognition, Imperial Valley College.
1994 President's Distinguished Service Award, Imperial Valley College.
1994 Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans.
1992 Student Suport Services Recognition, Imperial Valley College.
1992 Upward Bound Program Recognition, Imperial Valley College.
1989 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, UC San Diego.