"Before speech, you had to have a tree in sight in order to point to it. With the aid of spoken language, you could only tell somebody about a tree if the person was within hearing distance. With writing, you can communicate information about trees and all manner of other things to people of distant lands and future centuries.
Each successive level of abstraction--from gesture to spoken word to written word--has dramatically increased the power and scope of thought and communication."
Howard Levine.
Publications in Refereed Journals
Ponce, G. (in-Press). Seeing the Implications of Zero Again. Teaching Children Mathematics.
Abstract: A conversation with preservice teachers to help them remember to see the zero again in base ten manipulative highlights the importance of unitizing when teaching about place value to children. Strategies are also shared to help children make the connection between the concrete representtations and symbolic representations of whole numbers.
Ponce, G., and Tuba, I. (2015). Synthesizing Strategies Creatively: Solving Linear Equations. Mathematics Teacher.
Abstract: With a lesson on solving equations, we discuss how effective lessons can result from (a) synthesizing strategies found in NCTM articles that tap the creativity of teachers, (b) sequencing these strategies from concrete to abstract, and (c) identifying in an explicit manner the core mathematical ideas embedded within the lesson.
Rodriguez-Valls, F, and Ponce, G. (2013). Classroom the we space: Developing student-centered practices for second language learner (SLL) students. Education Policy Analysis Archives 25, no. 55.
Abstract: Developing teaching practices that meets the needs of Second Language Learners (SLL) calls for models of apprenticeship in which teacher candidates acquire competency on how to create learning spaces where students discover, experience, and construct knowledge rather thant solely practicing skills. This article presents a three-step teacher development process requiring teacher candidates to (a) observe and analyze exemplary teaching practices, (b) build expertise on questioning strategies to ignite student inquiry, and (c) develop and implement their own practices to create a classroom as the 'we' space.
Curlango, C. R., Ponce, G., and Lopez-Morteo, G. (2011). A specialized search assistant for learning objects. ACM Transactions of the web.
Abstract: The Web holds a great quantity of material that can be used to enhance classroom instruction. However, it is not easy to retrieve this material with the search engines currently available. This study produced a specialized search assistant based on Google that significantly increases the number of instances in which teachers find the desired learning objects as compared to using this popular public search engine directly.Success in finding learning objects by study participants went from 80% using Google alone to 96% when using our search assistant in one scenario and, in another scenario, from a 40% success rate with Google alone to 66% with our assistant. This specialized search assistant implements features such as bilingual search and term suggestion which were requested by teacher participants to help improve their searches. Study participants evaluated the specialized search assistant and found it significantly easier to use and more useful than the popular search engine for the purpose of finding learning objects.
Ponce, G. (2008). Using, seeing, feeling, and doing absolute value for deeper understanding. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14, 234-240.
Abstract: Using post-it notes and number lines, a hands-on activity is shared that anchors initial student thinking about absolute value. The initial point of reference should help students successfully evaluate numeric problems involving absolute value. They should also be able to solve absolute value equations and inequalities that are typically found in algebra textbooks.
Ponce, G. (2007). Critical juncture ahead! Proceed with caution to introduce the concept of function. Mathematics Teacher, 101, 136-144.
Abstract: Algebra teachers find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information that they have to teach their students. One way to address this issue is to have teachers teach for understanding by focusing on concepts. In this article, I share how language can help uncover the core ideas that define the concept of function and share activities that have been successfully used with students to introduce the core ideas and illustrate the usefulness of a function outside the classroom.
Ponce, G. (2007). It's all in the cards: Adding and subtracting integers. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13, 10-17.
Abstract: The addition and subtraction of integers is the first major avenue, and roadblock, to student success in learning algebra. This article describes a hands-on activity using a regular deck of playing cards that facilitates class discussion and helps students overcome this initial roadblock.
Garrison, L., Ponce, G., and Amaral, O. (2007). Ninety-percent of the game is half mental. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14, 12-17.
Abstract: This article illustrates effective instructional strategies for English Language learners. In particular, the strategies shared in this article come from a year-long study of an elementary teacher.
Garrison, L., Amaral, O., and Ponce, G. (2006). Unlatching mathematics instruction for English learners. NCSM Journal of Mathematics Educational Leadership, 9(1), 14-24.
Abstract: Mathematics teachers find it challenging to meet the range of mathematical skill levels of their students. In many schools, this challenge is increased as teachers must also adapt instruction to meet the needs of English learners. Language Acquisition through Content Hierarchy (LATCH) professional development provides teachers with the skills and tools to integrate instructional strategies for English learners with mathematics content instruction. LATCH guides teachers to differentiate mathematics instruction to address the range of student abilities as well as provide access for English learners.
Publications in Refereed Journals [Continued]
Ponce, G., and Garrison, L. (December 2004 / January 2005). Overcoming the walls of silence and despair that surrounds word problems. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11, 256-262.
Abstract: This article describes the integration of two powerful instructional theories (Daily Oral Language and Cognitively Guided Instruction) into one classroom activity that is helping break the barriers teachers and students face when working with word problems.
Ponce, G. (1995). Leadership does not equal what leaders do. Journal of Leadership Studies, 2(3), 68-73. [Document available below]
Abstract: In this article I propose that in order to better understand leadership, people need to concentrate on the relationship that exists between leaders and followers, so they, both leaders and followers, can lead. This perspective of leadership is different from most of the literature on this subject which focuses, for the most part, on teaching managers, CEO's, administrators, and individuals on how to become a leader. In this article I articulate an understanding of leadership as: (a) the change that both leaders and followers intend, (b) the values of both leaders and followers that come into play, and (c) the influence that both leaders and followers bring into the relationship.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
Curlango, C. R., Ponce, G. , Lopez-Morteo, G., and Mendiola, M. (2009). Leveraging Google Web Search Technology to Find Web-based Learning Objects. 7th Latin American Web Conference: LA-WEB 2009. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan: Merida, Mexico. [Document available below]
Abstract: The web contains objects that can be used to improve the learning process. However, the task of finding these objects is hampered by a lack of tools to help users focus their searches and find what they want. This article describes the Learning Object Search Tool Enhancer (LOBSTER) which assists users during the search process. Evidence is presented which suggests that LOBSTER helps users find what they are looking for and that they find it to be an easy to use and useful tool.
Curlango, C. R., Ponce, G., and Lopez-Morteo, G. (2009). Learning objects search tool enhancer. Conferencia Conjunta Iberoamericana Sobre Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje, CcITA 2009. Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan: Merida, Mexico. [Document available below]
Abstract: As the Internet expands, the need for tools to help users and what they are looking for also increases. In this paper we introduce Learning Object Search Tool Enhancer (Lobster), a search tool that assists professors as they search for learning objects on the Internet. Here, we propose a model for describing learning objects and describe how Lobster has successfully assisted searches for learning objects by implementing this model and providing a user friendly interface that reduces users' cognitive load during searches. Preliminary results indicate that searching for learning objects with Lobster leads to a greater number of successful searches in less time as compared when using Google alone.
Curlango, C. R., Ponce, G. , and Lopez-Morteo, G. (2008). Finding learning objects on the web. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake, VA. E-Learn 2008-World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education. [Document available below]
Abstract: Finding learning objects on the Web can be a difficult task for even the most well versed computer users. This difficulty is due to factors that include how users search for things on the web, the visibility of learning objects and the language that is used in the search. This paper describes the methodology used to gather information regarding the search strategies employed by faculty members of a university in <st1 country-region="#DEFAULT" st="on" w="#DEFAULT"><st1 place="#DEFAULT" st="on" w="#DEFAULT">Mexico</st1></st1> as they try to find learning objects on the Web. From this study we plan to create a software tool that will address these issues.
Ponce, G. (2001). A case study of shared governance at imperial valley college. Dissertation: University of San Diego. [Document available below]
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze and synthesize the perceptions and experiences of individuals and groups responsible for the implementing shared governance process at Imperial Valley College. Consequently, this study sought to establish (a) who was directly involved with the governance process, (b) how the process was operationalized, and (c) the benefits, drawbacks, and unresolved issues for implementing the governance process. The design of this investigation was a qualitative study.