Anjali Prakash's Development Portfolio

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About Me

I am currently a Pre-Medical student, but I have been interested in the Natural Sciences from a very young age. I always wondered how we were 'alive' and found my answers in biology. The human heart is what fascinated me more than anything, especially its ability to function non-stop from birth till death and be the true source of life.

In a National Student Leadership Conference held in UC Berkeley, I was able to learn the art of suturing and observed a neurosurgeon perform surgery live. My interest sparked and hasn't settled down yet. Ever since, I have wanted to mimic the neurosurgeon. I want to be able to save lives by performing surgery. These reasons have guided me towards a career in the medical field.    

I am a part of the Women in Science Program. The Women in Science Program focuses on creating a positive learning environment and providing valuable opportunities to the women in the IUPUI science community. I am also a Psychology Teaching Assistant. Helping students understand psychology is like helping them solve their personal issues. Hence, this position is special to me as it helps me realize my dream of impacting lives. 

I enjoy various forms of art during my free-time and also write poems for creative expression. A few of the sports I play whenever I can are Basketball and Swimming. I am also a regular yoga enthusiast. Yoga helps me restore peace and balance in my life.

Inspired by Science

Author: Anjali Prakash
Last modified: 3/26/2015 10:32 PM (EDT)