Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Unis Boye-Weah

Title: Parent Involvement in the Eyes of Liberian Parents

Abstract: This study examines how Liberian parents define parental involvement and how this shapes their children’s experiences in urban schools. To conduct my research, I used qualitative research methods to interview Liberian parents and discover their meaning of parental involvement. Parents were encouraged to provide honest feedback of their engagement in their children’s academic and educational setting. Given that increasing numbers of African students in general and Liberian students in particular are enrolled in urban schools, the absence of Liberians and their educational experience in U.S. academic research stands as one of the reasons why this information is important. Findings suggest Liberian parents need the support to better serve their children. Support means providing ways to bridge the two cultures in order to enhance parental involvement and student success.

Completed: December 2021

File Attachments:
  1. Unis Boye-Weah Thesis.pdf Unis Boye-Weah Thesis.pdf
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)