Live Generic "How To" WebCasts
Sign up to get a live demonstration over the internet how to submit work, how to create lessons/units/rubrics, and how to create folios/web pages. Go to the red Help tab at the top right of the page, click on the Webcasts link on the lower right side of the Help page and register for a FREE webcast on your computer.
Recorded Webcast Videos Specific to the UTP
"How to Login for the First Time and what to do if you forgot your password"
Streaming Video link Download Video Recording link
"How to Self-Enroll in the TaskStream Assessment Programs for your Licensure Area"
Streaming Video link Download Video Recording link
"How to Submit Work for a Class"
"How to Create Lessons, Units, and Rubrics connected to MN Academic Standards using Templates in TaskStream"
Streaming Video link Download Video Recording link
"How to Create Your UTP Electronic Portfolio in TaskStream"
Streaming Video link Download Video Recording link