USciences Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR)

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Leigh Kissinger

Leigh Kissinger (Physical Therapy Major)

1. Who are you doing research with this summer and what kind of research project are you doing ?

I am doing research with Dr. Roos, Dr. Thielman, and Dr. Packel. We are working with post stroke people. These subjects go through evaluations, then a 12 week moderate intensity training period consisting of cardio, upper/lower extremity, and balance. After the 12 weeks, blood samples from before and after the training will be compared to determine if there was an increase in BDNF-a neurotrophin that is known to help the body.

2. What do you find fascinating in the research that you’re doing ?

It is fascinating to me that every subject who comes into the study is at different levels of impairment.

3. What skills are you learning through the USURF experience ?

Through the USURF program I am learning how to interact with the subjects and to collect and interpret data.

4. What are the challenges you’re encountering in your research ?

It is challenging because there are so many little parts to this big study.

5. How is your USURF experience impacting the way you view your field ?

I hope to one day specialize in geriatrics.

6. Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I am loving interacting with this group everyday! 

Author: Roberto Ramos
Last modified: 11/14/2017 9:21 AM (EDT)