USciences Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR)

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Why Research ?

Through undergraduate research, scholarship, and other creative activities, students are able to delve deeper in their subject matter and gain a richer understanding of their discipline that is beyond the usual classroom experience. It enables students to meet a larger community of researchers, professionals, and research mentors who can support and encourage them. 

With research experience, students become more competitive as they apply for jobs, fellowships, internships and graduate and professional schools. They are able to leverage their research experiences as they build a compelling, well-rounded portfolio of academic courses, professional training, research experiences, and outreach activities.

Mission of the CUR: The mission of the CUR (Center for Undergraduate Research) is to assist USciences undergraduate students and provide resources as they strive  towards achieving a high-quality and meaningful research experience as undergraduates at USciences. We do this by providing, among others:

a. seminars and workshops to develop research-relevant skills

b. providing an updated database of USciences faculty researchers to facilitate student search for research mentors

c. provide venues and platforms to promote undergraduate research such as the Undergraduate Research Symposium

d. administer USURF Summer Research Fellowships

e. encourage students to apply for external fellowships, internships and research experiences, and

f.  seek out external funding, collaborations, and opportunities to support undergraduate research-related programming.

Author: Roberto Ramos
Last modified: 11/14/2017 9:21 AM (EDT)