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CEP Action Plans- Math and Social Studies


Attached you will find Action plans that addresses the needs of Bronx Lab School. These Action Plans are based on the data collected, together with the support that are provided within the school.  There is a shared vision and after analyzing data for this school specific initiatives were put into place to close the achievement gaps in math and social studies. The focus of these two Action Plans are centered around the "Eight Essential characteristics of successful schools"- Jaap Scheerens and Roel Bosker, The Foundations of  Educational Effectiveness,  New York: Elsevier, 1997.

  • Monitoring of student progress
  • Focus on achievement
  • Parental involvement
  • Creating a safe and orderly climate
  • Focused curriculum
  • Strong Leadership
  • Cooperative working environment
  • Time on task.
Author: Georgieann Ramsudh
Last modified: 5/6/2014 6:20 PM (EDT)