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Magnifying Glass (Lg.)

Using the SOTEL elements during the mini-observations of the two teachers provided a very clear and comprehensive method to use for such a short period of time, together with the lack of not being able to takes notes during the observation process. As I was observing the teachers I prepared my self to focus on specific parts of this protocol which made it very easy to use and remember.

   The first observations were made during the beginning of the class, the middle and the summary (end) and these times were all correlated to a math project (tiling). The students were focused and engaged in discussing why some polygons tile; (What does it mean for a polygon to be regular), tiling and writing up their mathematical description. There were all clear aims/objectives and the teacher was modeling these concepts; using regular polygons (square and a pentagon) and having the students discuss why one tiles and the other does not. However, as she was modeling only a handful of students (front) were participating. The teacher needed to circulate wile the students were working because it was clear that only a few students were responding to her questions and she was not assessing whether they all understood what was being taught. They were not all being accountable for their learning. In addition, some of them were absent and she did not provide much review for them.

Using the SOTEL allowed me to identify that clearly and as such provided very specific feedback, both positive and negative. We discussed ways she could reach those students (collaboration with members on the same table) and also ways that she can assess whether they understood the learning targets/ aims she set, (using exit tickets or respond to summary question in their journals) because it became very evident in the written piece that the weakness of they writing were in their used of math terminology and clear connection to their math representation.

The second 3- mini-observations were spent in observing science content. The unit project was centered on Wolbachia. I observed aims that were clearly stated and students fully engaged through collaboration and presentations. The teacher was moving around the classroom, having students work in groups and present their learning/understanding to their fellow classmates. However, this was a CTT classroom and the teacher did not differentiate any of the work and as such some of the students struggled with the complex texts given. This was mostly where feedback was given. Our informal discussion was focused on identifying multiple texts- complexity based on level of student, and making those available.

            Using SOTEL allowed for a few things. First of all the limited time and multiple visits allowed snapshots of where the lessons were leading (final project). In addition, not taking notes during the observation actually put the teacher at ease and they both mentioned that felt comfortable having me in the room (invited me to visit more). Recording the observations (using just for me bullet points) right after made me think about the specific happenings in the classroom and I was able to focus more on what was actually happening in the classrooms. It also allowed for specific feedback, identifying a few positives and a few things that can be worked on. This I believe provided the teacher with specific feedback that they could work on/in cooperated into the next lesson. The only problem in this was that it was difficult for me to check back to see of the feedback provided was used and how effective it was. Finally, the informal giving of feedback was very comfortable for both all of us. We were able to talk about what was happening in the classroom for the period I visited and discussing strategies that can be used came with ease, because they were very specific strategies and did not feel overwhelming (student assessment (summary/ exit ticket, student engagement and ownership and differentiation of texts). I think giving feedback to colleagues can be a bit uncomfortable but I think that when it begins in a way of sharing of strategies and identifying the positives before the necessary improvements that it given both parties some common ground where conversations can be meaningful. Using the SOTEL allows for this common group to be maintained through the school year and also gives principal a continuous record of what is supported is given and it implementation taking place.






Author: Georgieann Ramsudh
Last modified: 5/6/2014 6:20 PM (EDT)