Dynamics of Education

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Next Steps and Last Thoughts

Progress (Lg.)

"I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow the truth and reason to whatever results they led". Thomas Jefferson

The experiences I have gained from undertaking this project has prepared me to undertake leadership responsibilitis. One of the things that I have held fast to is being a reflective leader. I think that standing back and looking at the big picture puts things into perspective. Sometimes  I am quick to assume, without reflecting on the situation at hand which could hinder the goals that I hope to acomplish. I envision  collaborating with all stakeholders because of the benefits of collborating  working with parents, teachers and outside partnerships.

 Being a life-long learner is imperative, because of the changing nature of leadrship. However I do believe that being aware of the changes that are occuring in the education system will enable one to function better in various situation. One should also be tinkering with new ideas. As a leader I would hope that my teachers would be learners also and therefore we should be beter prepare to embrance new changes.  One of the things I need to remember is that I should hold fast to my philosophy of teaching and learning and at the same time give teachers the freedom to explore and initiate their ideas and creativity. 

The role of a principal is to build relationships and community and this can only be done if principals model and build capacity in the most effective way. Therefore being part of a learning community is important for me. As I reflect on the components of my ePortfolio I realize that this is a showcase of work that is reflective of my beliefs on schooling. I am now able to use the experiences I gained in different situations to guide me in the decision-making, and in implementing new programs involving all stakeholders.













Author: Georgieann Ramsudh
Last modified: 5/6/2014 6:20 PM (EDT)