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Technology Plan

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Project Description: The plan that I will like to implement is to shift the classroom from a teacher -led instructional model to a student-led/centered model of learning. The Project will be a Tech Class during Freshman Seminar, 45 minutes period Tuesday and Thursday. This is a mandatory class.

Goals and Objectives: Ultimately, the desire is for students to take more ownership over their learning.  To do so, there is a recognition that the instructional approach has to take into account a higher level of student engagement and has to lead toward student independence.

      Shift all digital student and teacher work to Google Apps

      Content is assessable on and off-site

      Content does not disappear

      Documents can be shared with teachers, coaches, advisors

      Comments/ feedback can be made in the moment and so students can get quicker feed back and can be linked to other resources.

      Maintained a sense of authentic audience

      An archived of resources can be maintained

For Students: The purpose of this class is to introduce you to the basic skills, tools and attitudes you will need to be an effective user of technology along the way we hope to answer these essential questions.

Essential Questions:

●  In what ways can technology enhance expression and communication?  In what ways might technology hinder it?

●  What are the pros and cons of technological progress?  How does technological change/ influence peoples lives?

●  What tech skills will we need to work effectively in a 21st c. work environment?

●  What are appropriate uses of technology in an school/business setting? What are the most effective uses?


      Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:45- 3:35 pm

      Taught by Freshman Seminar Teachers

Implementation Plan/Time Line:  1st Semester for All Incoming Freshman

Week 1

  • School Infrastructure 1 (Operations and Concepts, Digital Citizenship
  • Intro to the school network, acceptable use and ethical use, ticketing system and support
  • Using Common Sense Media Website: www. Commonsensemedia.org

Week 2

  • School Infrastructure 2 (Operations and Concepts, Digital Citizenship
  • File management, file size, upload and download issues (aka why streaming music at school is bad for everyone) www. Commonsensemedia.org

Week 3 

  • Google Apps 1 (Communication and Collaboration)
  • GMail and Calendars- Business email standards, mail management, using calendars for work management

Week 4 

  • Google Apps 2 (Communication and Collaboration)
  • Google Documents: organizing, naming conventions, sharing, collaborating

Week 5

  • Google Apps 3 (Communication and Collaboration, Creativity and Innovation)
  • Google Sites: basic web design, building and maintaining it

Week 1 - School Infrastructure 1

●      Define and describe digital citizenship

●      Describe and explain how the network works and what do we want them to do with it?

●      Define ethical use of digital technology; apply definition by providing three examples from school and home life

●      Describe ticketing system/support and use for three different types of support

Week 2 - School Infrastructure 2

●      Describe file size and its impact on the uploading and downloading of files; upload document

●      Describe file management and demonstrate how to use it.

Week 3 - Google Apps 1

●      Create a gmail account and send the teacher an email to confirm your account

●      Describe the differences between email written to a friend and to a teacher; write an email to each using the appropriate conventions

●      Manage email by creating folders (family/friend, school/research)

●      Set up a google calendar with a personal schedule and a school schedule for this class for the remainder of the semester; create an alarm for the next class and send the teacher an invitation to attend the next class

Week 4 - Google Apps 2

●      Describe the advantages of using Google Docs

●      Name, organize, and share three Google Docs according to conventions

●      Collaborate with classmates on Google Doc.

Week 5:

  •         Sharing of google doc with a classmate and peer editing it
  •         Creating a shared project using powerpoint, must include visual     
  •         Work on an exhibition piece.

Hardware, Software and Human Skills Inventory:



●      Tech support/infrastructure         

                   Make tech support more transparent.

                    Institute a MOUSE squad - students trained to help support tech needs in school. 

  Allow a select group of teachers to have admin rights on computers to do their own support when necessary and convenient

  Require teachers to make tech requests via an online form or process so that support resources can be data tracked, assessed and adjusted accordingly.

   Install a steady state like application or scripts that will automate the reinstallation/restoration of the client OS on desktops and/or laptops. This will both make the problems associated with      disk corruption/fragmentation less likely and force students/faculty into the Google Apps environment to save their work. (speak with tech person)

    Include a varied group of faculty members to get differing viewpoints on the needs and expectations for technology (i.e. not just the techie members of the faculty).

  • Hardware Driven

1.     Purchase/procure teacher laptops. The school respects that teachers should not be expected to put their own personal equipment at risk in the school environment. Further, it can build capital for accountability in regards to digital participation.

2.     Purchase/procure more media creation tools for student use:

In order to address the desire to increase student engagement and differentiate approaches to learning, purchase/procure more media creation tools for student use. In conjunction with open-ended problem-based learning projects, student choice through access to a menu of digital tools to solve such problems will allow for more independent work that is both student-centered and, to some degree, student initiated. It will also create the opportunity for a variety of publishing methods that align better with different learning styles and comfort levels. Since the school uses a rubric-based assessment model, a variety of approaches to solving a common problem can be assessed consistently across students. (Podcast, showme, iBook)

3.     Pilot the use of Kindles in multiple classrooms as part of an action research project.  Multiple teachers, independently of each other, mentioned the benefits they observed associated with the use of Kindles by resistant readers (students and family members). 

There is a need for investment in professional development around tech skills, differentiated instruction and problem- based learning.

Professional development:

There are four issues around PD:

            i.Not enough PD for the number of tech initiatives from the local to the district level.

                                                ii.Too much time not built-in to the school day is necessary to practice/build comfort with new technologies 

                                                iii.No differentiation of PD for teachers, so PD most often addresses the needs of the least savvy and experienced teachers thereby losing the interest and investment of the       teachers who already have background knowledge or are quicker to pick up the information.

                                               iv.PD does not often address the pedagogical implementation of the tool in the classroom with concrete models/examples/scenarios.  It often revolves around the minutia of how the tool work rather than how to use the tool for specific instructional goals (how to put it into practice)

To begin to address the needs above, at our school PD are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays. Mondays therefore will be designated as Technology and we will have teachers work through the week-by week plans before teaching it. The long-term plan is to connect technology to pedagogy for example using khan academy, GLOBE (Bronx River Data).

File Access Infrastructure:

Students each have a server based individual account with which they can choose to login to any client on the network.  This allows students to store files in an individualized permissions protected space and allows them to customize their environment as necessary.  This also allows for some basic tracking of student network/account use.

There is also a Google Apps installation at the school, which is primarily used by faculty to share docs, email, etc.  Students have accounts as well.


      Need to have internet policy for the following streaming of music, watching movies, downloading

      Need to have policy surrounding proper usage of hardware: charges, handling it with care (keyboards) 

      PD Plan: As mentioned before, some teachers already have background knowledge and so professional development on Mondays will be centered on teachers working together (collaboration) to support each other. We would also have our technology consultant be part of the PDs to provide additional support.


Author: Georgieann Ramsudh
Last modified: 5/6/2014 6:20 PM (EDT)