Personal Presentation Portfolio

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EDD/569 Introduction to Action Research

We had several assignments, but only the Ethical Vignette assignment seemed appropriate to post.

File Attachments:
  1. Ethical Vignette Assignment (in .doc) Ethical Vignette Assignment (in .doc)
    A team assignment, we were asked to answer the first question about the ethical vignette provided in the assigned text. I was responsible for part c, while I also edited and organized the contributions from other team members. (For privacy reasons, I've only included the initials of my teammates.)

QNT/ 575 Measurement, Evaluation, and Ethics in Research

Hi! This section includes selected assignments that I feel best represent my learning. Feedback appreciated.


File Attachments:
  1. (A) Practical Application Paper: Inferential Statistics (A) Practical Application Paper: Inferential Statistics
    This was a team project, and I contributed to all of it except for the sections 'Three Issues for a Research Project' and 'Correlation and Analysis.' I love math, which includes stats! I worked hard to learn how to create unique tables using the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)'s Common Core of Data database, with tutorial assistance from NCES education statistician Patrick Keaton - thanks again! :)
  2. (B) Excel Supplement to Practical Application Paper: Inferential Statistics (B) Excel Supplement to Practical Application Paper: Inferential Statistics
    This is the source for the data that I used as part of my contribution to the team's paper; it includes the original data, which was then parried down and isolated to complete the correlation table - my first correlation table! :) Here's the source info. for the original data: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences (IES). (n.d.). Public elementary/secondary school universe survey [Common Core of Data (CCD), Build a Table (using the 2008-09 dataset)](v.1b). Retrieved from
  3. Application (Not a course requirement, won't be graded, etc.) Application (Not a course requirement, won't be graded, etc.)
    We had three inferential statistics instruments to choose from for our final paper: t-test, correlation, or chi square analysis. You can't do a t-test if the variables are related. As for the chi square analysis, I couldn't figure out how to derive the Expected value - until the last day of class! So based on another team's data, I spent the afternoon playing with chi square analyses using the other team's original data source. Source for the data is: Cataldi, E. F., Laird, J., KewalRamani, A., & Chapman, C. (2009). High school dropout and completion rates in the United States: 2007: Compendium report (IES 2009-064). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Education website:
  4. Ethics Paper: Personal Definition Ethics Paper: Personal Definition
    It's always interesting to see where we stand on the question of ethics. It may be a little blithe, but I like it.
  5. Zoomerang Survey and Analysis Zoomerang Survey and Analysis
    We were instructed to create a short mock survey, then to analyze the results. Mine focuses on online learners and their perceptions of the web-based classroom.
Last modified: 10/4/2010 4:46 PM (EDT)