Matthew Razek - Aspiring Educator

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Jesuit Identity

If you were to ask me what a Jesuit was eight years ago, I would have asked you the same thing! After eight years of being educated at Jesuit, Catholic institutions, anyone who knows me could tell you that, I could answer that question with extreme ease! There is something about the Jesuit order of Priests that interests me. It could be there dedication to social justice; or their passion for serving the poor; or their amazing educational facilities. I have learned so much by attending an all-boys Jesuit high school and a Jesuit University because of the mission and identity present on all of the campuses. Terms such as "Cura Personalis" - Care of the Whole Person - or "Magis" - The More - or "AMDG; Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" - For the Greater Glory of God - are phrases that all stick out to me and have a personal connection to my story. Since high school I have written "AMDG" on the top of all my papers (a requirement in HS; a choice in college) to show that the work I hand in is my own and that I completed it to the best of my ability. Several professors have noticed this and have commented to me for an explanation. It brings joy to me to learn more about St. Ignatius Loyola (pictured below) and the Jesuits. As I look to pursue a career in Higher Education, I hope that I can stay in Jesuit institutions because I consider them to be a part of my identity; they are a part of who I am.

Author: Matthew Razek
Last modified: 12/11/2012 9:59 PM (EDT)