3rd Grade States of Matter

Lesson 8


Grade Level: 3rd

Unit: States of Matter

Lesson: Introductiong to Gas!

Date: 11/16/11

Time: 1:00pm

Prior Knowledge: the students can define matter, name solid, liquid, and gas, and describe their molecules. They can describe characteristics of and how temperature affect solids and liquids and name specific examples.

Objective: SWBAT list 3 characteristics of gases and demonstrate in groups whether or not gas/air takes up space. (pre/post question 3)



 Set:  We have had 5 whole days off from science!  Open your science journals and do a quick review in your head, and then with your elbow partner about everything we have learned up to this point.

 (5- 10 min)

Read Aloud: “What is Matter”. As I read each page, I will leave parts of my sentences blank. The students can then write the word or phrase that should go in the black on their individual white board and show me. This will serve as an overall review for them since we have had 5 days off. They also can take notes in their journal if there is anything interesting they want to add.

(whole group, I will monitor and make note of who has mostly right answers on their white boards, etc, later monitor journals)

 (5-10 min)

What is gas? Class discussion: brainstorm what gas is, what are the properties/characteristics and examples of gas? Talk about process of elimination:

Since gas can be a more difficult one to identify, if you are unsure, decide if it is a liquid or solid and if not you know it is a gas!

I will record our characteristics and examples on our class chart for gases and the students can follow along in their journals.

(whole group, review/encourage answers, review journals)

 (15  min)

Question: We know that solids and liquids take up space, do gases? Group Activity:

Each group will receive a bowl filled with water, a plastic cup, and a paper towel. All together as a whole class, but in each group, we will predict first on paper what we think will happen to the paper towel when in the cub submerged in water upside down. Does it get wet? Why or why not?

 As a class we will do the steps of the activity together one by one. The students will get an opportunity to dip the cup and paper towel a few times to collect their data.

 (management: noise-o-meter on a 2, inside voice, we will not move on to the next step until all groups are ready to move on and being respectful)

 (10 min)

Revisit written predictions, were we right or wrong in our predictions. What really happened? Do we think this means gas takes up space or not? Be thinking about this because tomorrow we will make a large chart as a class to determine if gas takes up space.

(whole group, each group will contribute their prediction and what really happened)


2 stars and a wish

(daily formative assessment)



*4 bowls, 4 plastic cups, 4 paper towels

*Gas chart

*2 stars, 1 wish booklets




Self-assessment/How do I know if they met: We ran out of time at the end of the lesson to discuss exactly why our paper towels did not get wet; however, the students were having obvious discussions between themselves about the air in between the water and the paper towel. I do believe they met the objective of demonstrating that air does take up space, but we will revisit this tomorrow to ensure.

The students successfully listed characteristics of gases and came up with good examples for our chart.

Next steps:  Since we ran out of time today, we will spend some of tomorrow going over exactly why our paper towels did not get wet to ensure the students understand about the air maintaining itself between the papertowel and water. We will then talk about and demonstrate how heat and cool affect gases.

Did I meet my objective?

Yes        or         No



What worked?

The white board review worked well again today and I was actually surprised at everything they remembered from our lessons 5 and more days ago. The students enjoyed the read aloud and actively participated in filling in the blanks.

The students were able to physically demonstrate through the experiment that air takes up space which I feel like helped them grasp the concept of it to physically do it and see it.

The students were very actively engaged during this lesson, and some data was taken by my university supervisor that showed that overall, they were 95% engaged at 10 different points in the lesson.

What would I change?

The students were very excited during this activity. The noise level was louder than usual and I had to talk over them to give some directions. I would have clearly listed our steps before starting the activity instead of me just telling them and having to talk over their excitement.


I would have been more clear about the placement of the paper towel also as some students had theirs fall into the water and had to start over.





Visual and auditory cues. My ESOL student was present for the activity and her prediction was positive and showed understanding of the process.


I purposely structured the groups with at least 1 student who was exceeding and 1 student who was either struggling, less motivated, or often pulled-out to balance out the groups and allow for peer teaching.

Special Needs

N/A – The 3 low students are in the LRC during my lesson each day.


Journal reflecting/ read aloud

Author: Megan Richardson
Last modified: 12/9/2011 9:35 AM (EST)