3rd Grade States of Matter

Lesson 3


Grade Level: 3rd

Unit: States of Matter

Lesson: Solids, Liquids, and Gasses Review

Date: 11/04/11

Time: 1:00pm

Prior Knowledge: the students can define matter, name solid, liquid, and gas, and describe their molecules

Objective: SWBAT identify solids, liquids, gasses and beginning characteristics by picture and general questions in a game. (pre/post question 7)



 Set: “Before we get deeper into each state of matter and start talking about how temperature affects them, we need to make sure we understand the basic differences of each state”  - as passing out journals

 (5 min)

White board review. As I ask questions about each state of matter and the molecules the students can write or draw the answer on their individual white boards and show them to me. “If you wrote this answer, give yourself a star at the top of your white board”.

(whole group, voices off)

 (5 min)

Reflect on Oobleck, in journals and on classroom chart. How did it feel? How did it smell? What were the changing states? Why do we think it changes like it does?

(whole group, answer questions with elbow-partner, volunteers to add to the classroom chart about characteristics and thoughts on oobleck)

 (2 min)

Class definition of molecule. *hint: look at your vocabulary list, do you agree?

(whole group)

 (5-10 min)

Matter worksheet – list all the different states of matter found in the picture, be creative! (listening to our matter song from the 1st day while doing this)

(whole group, can work with partners. Management: noise-o-meter at a 2, study buddy voice)

 (15 min)

Matter tic-tac-toe game. The students are split into 2 teams (X’s and O’s) and spread out on each side of the room. In the middle of the room are 9 chairs set up in a square (like a tic-tac-toe board). I compiled a group of general questions about matter and molecules, as well as having pictures of different states. Starting with one team I will ask a question. The team can quietly converse to answer the question. If they get in right, they get to choose a chair. If they get in wrong, the other team can “steal”. The first team to get tic-tac-toe will be the winner of that round.

(management: noise-o-meter on a 2 ½ , between a study buddy and inside voice. This is a whole group activity, teams can choose how loud they converse as long as it is below a 2 ½.)


Journal Reflecting and 2 stars and a wish

(Formative assessment – students: what is your favorite thing about matter so far. What do you still want to learn?)



*individual white boards

*class definition chart

*tic-tac-toe questions

*2 stars, 1 wish booklets




Self-assessment/How do I know if they met:The students all accurately identified the different states in the pictures, even in the more tricky pictures. They worked together well to identify different things in the picture that were solids, liquids, and gasses. The students answered the general questions during the game accurately with only getting 1 wrong answer throughout the entire game.

Next steps:  The students now have a good grasp of solid, liquid, gas and how to classify them and identify them in pictures and with general questions. We will now start talking about how temperature (heat and cool) affects the molecules of each state, causing them to change from one state to another. We will also start discussing specific characteristics of each state of matter separately.

Did I meet my objective?

Yes        or         No



What worked?

The students were very engaged when reviewing on their white boards. It is a good way to have whole group instruction but with each student getting to do something individually.

They enjoyed the partner time identifying the states in the pictures and it was a good day to allow them some talking time, instead of being so “whole-group” focused.

The students loved the tic-tac-toe game. They worked well together coming up with their answers and being very quiet so the other team could not hear them. They were good problem solvers when they have different ideas about the answers.

What would I change?

I noticed early on in the game that the students had already mastered many of the questions. They only got 1 question wrong. Of course, since we will be learning more material, I will be adding questions but I also need to add harder questions and more challenges for students who have really mastered the concepts.

I also noticed today, on a day in which the students were talking more, that I need to work on not talking over them. If they are talking (even when engaged) I need to get their attention before giving another direction or making a comment to avoid just making my voice louder and louder over them.





My ESOL student came in right before we started the game. She actively participated in the game. I gave her the worksheet to identify solids, liquids, and gasses in the pictures to do as optional homework. I let her know that it was a fun review activity that she can complete if she wants to. (note: she did return it on Monday with accurate answers!)


I am starting to be able to identify my students who are quickly grasping the concept and may need some more challenge and can possible help me with extra help for the students who are pulled out.

Special Needs

N/A – The 3 low students are in the LRC during my lesson each day.


Writing on white-boards and making a list on our worksheet. Journal reflecting.

Author: Megan Richardson
Last modified: 12/9/2011 9:35 AM (EST)