Grade Level: 3rd |
Unit: States of Matter |
Lesson: Introduction: What is Matter? |
Date: 11/02/11 |
Time: 1:00pm |
Prior Knowledge: very little, with students scoring an average of 32% on the pre-test. |
Objective: SWBAT verbally describe matter and name solid, liquid, and gas. (pre/post questions 1 and 2)
Set: “Remember Evaluation”…
(5 min)
Introduce Science Journals - Expectations
Explain “Note-Taking” – give examples/model ways to take notes
(whole group)
(2 min)
Scholastic Song (2 times) – Once through just listen, Next time through, write key words from the song.
(2 min)
Elbow Partners (Study-Buddy) – What is 1 interesting thing you learned or noticed from the song?
(whole group, monitor responses)
(15 min)
I know, I wonder chart (KWL) – use popsicle sticks for each student to give each student an opportunity to add to the chart. Students may pass, and may give more than one contribution after everyone has been given an opportunity. Write on chart exactly as student states their “I know” or “I wonder”.
(whole group, monitor/encourage responses)
(5 min)
Introduce “Mr. Whisker’s Room” book. Read aloud, pg. 9-10
“Matter Explorers”
(5 min)
Explain our “Matter Explorers” game. 3 sticky notes given to each student to explore the room for solids, liquids, and gases. Encouraged students to be creative and find “rare” examples. If students find things quickly, give more sticky notes.
(Thumbs up if you understand; Management: noise-o-meter on Level 2, study buddy voices)
(10 min)
Explore Room, find different states of matter and place sticky notes on “4-square chart” at the front of the room. Do you notice anything in the room that you are confused about? Add sticky notes to “I don’t know” portion of chart as well.
(View chart – do they understand what is a solid, liquid, or gas? As a class discuss and classify the sticky’s in “I don’t know” section)
(5 min)
Class definition of “Matter” on large white chart to be posted in room.
(Monitor key words, make into a complete sentence to add to the chart)
2 stars, 1 wish exit slip
(Formative assessment – what have they learned each day and what do they still have questions about. After lesson is complete, I will review this as well as their journal and respond to any questions and comments.)
*song (test before!)
*chart (x2)
*Mr. Whisker’s Book
*sticky notes
*2 stars, 1 wish booklets
Self-assessment/How do I know if they met:I reviewed the formative assessments for the day, the 2 stars and a wish slip as well as the student’s journals. All but 2 students wrote “Everything is Matter” on their exit slip. There was great participation in “Matter Explorer’s” activity and the students accurately placed their sticky notes in the correct category on the chart. Next steps: Many of the students stated on their exit slip that they want to learn about molecules and “what makes a solid, liquid, and gas” which is our next step. They all appear to understand the general idea of each state of matter and can already classify correctly. Now, we will dissect each state one at a time to find specific properties and characteristics. |
Did I meet my objective? Yes or No |
What worked? The students were very excited and engaged during the KWL chart portion. Each student was anxious to have a turn to add to the chart and many of them had multiple things to add. After the lesson, when I reviewed the journal note-taking and their exit-slips, they were engaged during note-taking and many had great notes and followed closely along in their journals. |
What would I change? I will add more writing on the board or begin making more charts (GLAD style) for slow writers or those who struggle with spelling, etc. I would have allotted more time for Matter Explorer’s because the students were rushing at the end and were engaged and excited during the activity. They were coming up with creative ideas and needed more time. |
ESOL I have 1 ESOL student in my classroom during my lesson time. She leaves the classroom for language development and returns about 15 minutes into the lesson. I will be working hard to make charts and visuals for her to understand in multiple ways what we are learning. She also will be given the opportunity after the lesson to add to our chart and find items for “Matter Explorer’s”. Today, my mentor teacher pulled her aside to catch her up on what we had done. This student was successful in classifying solids, liquids, and gasses on the chart. |
TAG Because this is the first lesson, the high achieving student’s have not been completely identified at this time. |
Special Needs N/A – The 3 low students are in the LRC during my lesson each day. |
Literacy There is a read-aloud incorporated with this lesson. In addition, the students are writing notes in their science journals. |