Martha Riley Spring 2012

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Philosophy of Education


“You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives” Clay P. Bedford 

 I understand that it is my personal responsibility as a future educator to teach my students not only the curriculum but also life skills that will help them progress in their future. I will encourage my students to be curious and excited about the world they live in and the amount of information and knowledge that is available for them.

To continue reading more about my philosophy of education the full document in attached below.

File Attachments:
  1. A. Philosophy of Education PDF A. Philosophy of Education PDF
    This document is in PDF format.
  2. B. Philosophy of Education B. Philosophy of Education
    This is a working document.
Author: Martha Riley
Last modified: 5/8/2012 6:05 AM (EDT)