Martha Riley Spring 2012

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Examples of Technology Usage in Education

NETS Essay


In this section of the portfolio every attachment is connected to the National Education Technology Standards (NETS). The NETS is a set of guidelines that encourages teachers to incorporate technology in the classroom. Teachare encouraged to use the technological tools that are available and beneficial in classrooms. There are NETS for students as well that help guide the use of technology for educational purposes. Many teachers are modeling the use of technology in the class and find that using these tools is extremely beneficial in the classroom. There are also teachers that struggle with using these technological tools that are available in the classroom. Attached is an essay that describes the strengths, weaknesses and possible solutions with using technology in the classroom. 

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Google Site


Students will benefit greatly from using Google Apps. Students will be able to explore these different applications and find which one works the best for them. These applications like Google Apps help students become more knowledgeable about different applications and how they can help with their school. There are so many different applications that apply to different aspects of school and life that students will be able to use.

Both teachers and students are able to use these tools to engage and design learning centers. Creating websites by using Google is a wonderful way for students to keep up with schoolwork and be aware of what is happening in the classroom. It is also very useful for parents to stay informed about what their child is learning. Teachers will also be able to post new information or assignments to their websites. These tools are extremely useful and benefit students, parents and teachers.

Engagement in New Technology Movements



According to Bjerde, Atkins and Dede students’ learning style is changing along with the way technology is changing. Students are becoming more and more familiar and technologically savvy while the technological world is becoming more incorporated with students’ education. Technology has become a major aspect in most people’s lives and schools are addressing this change in order to benefit the students.

Schools across America are changing their curriculum and teaching strategies in order for students to implement technological tools. Students are now encouraged to use the Internet and other technological resources for research and creating projects online. Bjerde, Atkins and Dede (2010) state “ In the 21st Century learning environment, students will use the internet as an important research tool, learning to validate the credibility and accuracy of resources, direct bias, and draw conclusions by analyzing and synthesizing large quantities of varied input” (Ubiquitous mobile technologies and the transformation of schooling). Students are now able to take classes online and are assigned more projects using the Internet to create them. Mobile learning has helped students with many aspects, “These include the ability to: (1) improve communication and collaborative interaction; (2) provide more learning opportunities for geographically dispersed persons and groups; (3) encourage active learning; (4) enhance the learner’s feedback process; (5) emphasize time on task; and (6) acquire content rapidly” (Lan).


I found that the students’ involvement and engagement increases when technology is incorporated. I agree with this statement and feel that this is important for schools to recognize. I am excited about working with a society that will have students with these technological capabilities coming into our culture. I feel that this will benefit students and society greatly if the students are encouraged to be knowledgeable about technology. Technology is a main aspect of today’s culture and we should fully understand how to use these tools to the best of our abilities.

With the new technology that it is become more prevalent in society, teachers are presented with more tools to use in the classroom. There are many tools and software that is available for teachers to use in the classroom. Students are becoming more interactive and involved in lessons using the Smart Board technology. Technological tools are also being used in classrooms to help students with disabilities. Jennifer Clark and Philipp Nordness write, “Coordinating appropriate literacy activities with current computer hardware and interactive software is an exciting opportunity for engaging children in activity-based learning, because it relates to emergent literacy for children with disabilities” (Clark, Nordness p. 1). Students with disabilities will be able to understand and learn in a different way when using the Smartboard. I feel that I would use the Smartboard and Interactive Whiteboard often because it allows students to be more hands on. I feel that using this new technology is beneficial and successful when teaching students

Although technology is a main aspect of our culture it is important for students not completely depend on technological tools. Students should be knowledgeable but should understand different ways of creating project and researching without using technology.I feel that mobile learning in the education process is extremely important and beneficial to students. I also feel that younger students should start learning about technological tools and how to use these tools in educational situations. It is stated “Peters (2007) viewed mobile learning as a useful component of the flexible learning model” (Park 2011). This flexible learning model will be extremely beneficial for students and allows them to do work outside of the class. I hope that more and more schools get funding for technology.


Bjered, Atkins and Dede. (2010). Ubiquitous mobile technologies and the transformation of schooling. Wireless Ed Tech, Retrieved from EDU315- 510/Wireless_EdTech_Article_EducationTechnology_106.pdf

Lan, Y., & Tsai, P. (n.d.). Using mobile-memo to support knowledge acquisition and posting-question in an mobile learning environment. doi: ERIC.

Clark, J., & Nordness, P. (n.d.). Enhancing emergent literacy skills with smart board interactive whiteboard technology . Retrieved from _ed/enhancing_emergent_literacy_skills_with_smart_board_interactive_whiteboard.pdf

Park, Y., & Tsai, P. (n.d.). A pedagogical framework for mobile learning: Categorizing educational applications of mobile technologies into four types . doi: ERIC

Author: Martha Riley
Last modified: 5/8/2012 6:05 AM (EDT)