Money Matters

Home > Resource Assignments > Could You Own a Business?

Could You Own a Business?

Students will:

  • Understand the components of a budget
  • Learn financial management
  • Learn the nature of opportunity costs in financial decisions
  • Understand the challenges of entrepreneurship
  • Have an introduction to the use of credit
  • Learn cost-benefit analysis
  • Learn the meaning of revenue, expenses, profit

 Pickles, Inc.

In this lesson we will explore  the importance of financial management for a small business. We will learn the concepts of business costs, positive cash flow, credit, and proper financial management in running a business. Additionally, we will learn the tools for basic financial analysis, and will investigate the outcome for the business in the video segments.

In "Pickles, Inc.," Palestinian widows start their own pickling business in an attempt to achieve financial independence, and then struggle with business and financial management. Eight widows decide to challenge convention by starting up a business venture — the Azka Pickle Cooperative — seeking financial independence for themselves and their children. They establish a tiny factory for pickling vegetables and develop a market for their product in local stores. With little formal education or work experience outside the home, the women face numerous hurdles as the business struggles to expand to stores throughout Israel.


Author: Pat Rox
Last modified: 6/6/2013 6:55 AM (EDT)