Money Matters

Part 2

Clue Sheet #2

Complete Clue Sheet #2 using the web sites and questions listed on that sheet, so that you can suggest how these factors contributed to the Great Depression. The sites deal with labor and employment, poverty and income, and the economy and government. When you have finished, share your answers and then as a class answer the following questions:

  • How are the overall employment trends related to income?
  • Why was farm income depressed throughout the 1920s?
  • What caused the trends in government spending during this time?

Assignment - Labor and Employment

Read article and answer questions on Clue Sheet 2. Copy the questions to a Word document and answer them on the same page(s). Make certain to save your work to your period folder (Period 6-2012) on the "T" drive.  Title your paper Labor and Employment.

Author: Pat Rox
Last modified: 6/6/2013 6:55 AM (EDT)