Money Matters



  • identify important characteristice of small businesses
  • recognize the competitive advantages of small businesses
  • identify problems faced by many small businesses

Key Terms:

  • small business
  • Small Business Administration (SBA)


Small Business Basics  

  • Small Business Ownership
  • Business is often viewed as large corporation who employ thousands of people with locations across the country and the world
  • By far the greatest percentage of businesses in the United States are small businesses
  • Small businesses employ half of all private sector employees
  • According to the Small Business Administration (SBA) a small business is an independent business with fewer than 500 employees
  • Based on this definition, 99.9% of the roughly 26 million U.S. businesses are small businesses
  • The owner is usually the manager
  • It operates in one or very few locations
  • It typically serves a small market
  • It is not dominant in its field
  • 25 million businesses have fewer than 100 employees
  • 18.6 million businesses have no staff other than the owners
  • 20 million businesses are set up as proprietorships
  • Small businesses are by far the greatest number of businesses operating today
  • Small Business Employment
  • Small businesses are responsible for 60 – 80% of all new jobs
  • 12.8% Construction
  • 12.5% Retailing
  • 12.5% Professional scientific and technical services
  • 11.4% Other services
  • 10.0% Health care
  • 7.7% Hotels and restaurants
  • Wholesale trade
  • Waste management
  • Manufacturing
  • Real estate
  • Finance and insurance
  • Transportation and warehousing
  • Arts, entertainment, and recreation
  • Information, publishing and broadcasting
  • Ownership Diversity
  • Women own one-fourth of all small businesses
  • 18% have African-American, Asian-American, or Hispanic-American ownership
  • Majority of owners are over 35 years old
  • Nearly 25% are under 25 years of age
  • Almost all have at least a high school diploma
  • Nearly 60% have finished some college work
  • Half are home-based
  • Because most businesses are part-time ventures or service businesses, on average owners report they needed $5,000 or less to start their business
  • Full-time businesses with buildings, equipment and employees required more than $100,000 to start.
  • Small Business Advantages
  • Meeting Customer Needs
  • Normally serve customers where the number of products  and services needed are small or the requirements are too specialized for large businesses to make a profit
  • It is easier for a small business to meet the precise needs of the customer
  • Large businesses have more resources, but to operate efficiently must focus on products and services that meet the needs of a large group of customers
  • Small businesses often cannot match the lower operating costs of larger businesses
  • Compete by paying attention to their customers
  • Usually serve fewer customers
  • Have more frequent contact with these customers
  • Are located closer to their customers
  • Depend less on other businesses  to distribute or service their products
  • Large businesses often rely on consumer research to gather information
  • Small businesses usually get information directly from their customers about what they like and dislike
  • Providing Unique Services
  • Small businesses are especially suited to provide unique services for cutomers
  • Small businesses must take a special interest in their customers
  • They spend time determining needs and discussing alternatives
  • Plan and deliver services that satisfy the customer
  • Big businesses have the advantage when dealing with large numbers of customers who are willing to buy standard products and prefer low prices
  • Small businesses excel when customers have unique needs, want more individual attention and are willing to pay a bit more for the product or service to obtain what they really want
  • Common Small Business Problems
  • Not all small business succeed
  • Small business failure rates are much higher than larger businesses
  • Reasons for Failure
  • Not keeping adequate records
  • Not having enough start-up money
  • Lack of management experience
  • Lack of experience with type of business
  • Not controlling operating expenses
  • Poor business location
  • Failure to manage credit offered to customers
  • Small Business Assistance
  • With the right kind of assistance, small businesses can overcome each of the causes listed above.
  • Small businesses can get help from a number of sources
    • Universities and colleges often have faculty members who are willing to give advice and support to people with their own businesses
    • Local groups of business people have members who can help- Chamber of Commerce
    • The Small Business Administration (SBA)



Author: Pat Rox
Last modified: 6/6/2013 6:55 AM (EDT)