Emily M. Sampson's ePDP

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About Me

I am a third-year student at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), and I will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry and a minor in Spanish in May of 2018. My over-arching goal as an undergraduate student is to enjoy this time of my life while preparing for medical school.

I currently excel in my academics and am actively involved my community. I am a member of various student organizations, including Timmy Global Health at IUPUI, Honors Academics for Civic Engagement, and Impact Christian Organization. I thrive in the classroom; as a result, I received academically-based financial support to facilitate my education, including the prestigious Bepko Scholars and Fellows Scholarship. My dedication to myself and my community is displayed in my prolific academic achievements and volunteer service. Furthermore, various experiential opportunities have provided me hands-on learning to facilitate my career and professional development. I interned in the International Adoption Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center from June-August 2015. Through my student role, I was able to shadow numerous physicians, incorporate communicative and Excel skills in presentation of data, and learn about epidemics of global health in children around the world. Additionally, I am currently working in the laboratory of Dr. Gustavo Arrizabalaga of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Indiana University School of Medicine. We are studying Toxoplasma gondii​, a parasite which is prevalent worldwide. I am excited to further develop my research and professional skills as an intern this year through the Life Health Sciences Internship Program.

In my Freshmen Year Seminar course, I was able to assess my top five strengths through a program called StrengthsQuest. StrengthsQuest can be utilized to identify and capitalize upon your strengths by focusing on their positive connotations and applicability in academic, social, career, and personal realms. My top five strengths are Learner, Achiever, Input, Analysis, and Belief. Each of these has specific influence on how I choose to approach my academic and social career here at IUPUI. For example, I seek to do well, as denoted by Achiever, but I must understand a process in order to truly appreciate and feel the achievement. The appreciation of this process is exemplified by both Learner and Input. Moreover, my beliefs and values guide my life. All major decisions are greatly impacted by my personal moral compass. This is significant even more so in my future as I continue to encounter ethical issues as a researcher and physician.

Author: Emily Sampson
Last modified: 5/18/2017 9:02 AM (EDT)