Instructions: Respond to each variable on this self-report scale by placing an X by the rating that best describes your behavior in the course that you are currently enrolled. The ratings are 3 = Target, 2 = Acceptable, and 1 = Unacceptable. The total number of points that may be earned range from 7-21. Points from 18-21 indicate that your performance is On Target. Points from 14-18 indicate that overall performance is Acceptable. Points from 10-14 indicate that Improvement is Encouraged. Points at 9 or below indicate Unacceptable performance. Your professor will review your responses and agree or disagree with the findings. If your professor determines that you have Unacceptable performance in any area, it is your responsibility to provide evidence that you have Acceptable or Target performance. If total points received from your instructor are below 14 or there is any rating of “1,” then you must meet with the instructor during the instructor’s office hours (or an agreed upon time) within 1 week of receipt of your score.