Learning Together Profiles

Learning Together Profiles

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"The real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become." - Peter Hans Kolvenbach, SJ 

The Center for Experiential Learning (CEL) is an undergraduate curriculum center that collaborates with community, staff, and faculty partners as co-educators, to create, develop, support, and implement academic experiential learning for students.  The CEL works to support Loyola's Catholic Jesuit mission of "expanding knowledge in service of humanity through learning, justice, and faith".  Here you will find narratives from several alumni and current students, reflecting on their experiences with various programs in the CEL, and how those experiences affected their time at Loyola and beyond.

Celebrating 10 years of creating significant learning experiences for students, the 2016-2017 Impact Report highlights the growth of the CEL over the last decade, as well as the impact of it's various programming among the Loyola student body. 

Center for Experiential Learning 2016-2017 Impact Report: http://luc.edu/media/lucedu/experiential/Loyola_CEL_Impact%20Report%202017_WEB.pdf

Author: Merideth Snead
Last modified: 10/16/2017 8:25 AM (EDT)