M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Technology

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TEC 565

Distance Education
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Collaborative Learning Community: Best Practices Manual
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This entry is a best practices manual on distance education that was developed by my collaborative learning community for the Teaching at a Distance course. There were eight of us on the team, and this was most definitely a team effort. We all worked hard to put forth a quality piece of work.

The Power Point presentation was also a group effort in that we each submitted material to include. However, its presentation and assembly was done beautifully by one member of our group, Barbara Sommers, who went above and beyond in producing an exceptional final product!

CO- Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers
Standard: Standard Six: Knowledge of Individualization of InstructionThe teacher is responsive to the needs and experiences children bring to the classroom, including those based on culture, community, ethnicity, economics, linguistics, and innate learning abilities. The teacher is knowledgeable about learning exceptionalities and conditions that affect the rate and extent of student learning, and is able to adapt instruction for all learners.
Skill or Knowledge 6.1 : Employ a wide range of teaching techniques to match the intellectual, emotional, and social level of each student, and choose alternative teaching strategies and materials to achieve different curricular purposes.
Standard: Standard Seven: Knowledge of TechnologyThe teacher is skilled in technology and is knowledgeable about using technology to support instruction and enhance student learning.
Skill or Knowledge 7.1 : Apply technology to the delivery of standards-based instruction.
Skill or Knowledge 7.2 : Use technology to increase student achievement.
Skill or Knowledge 7.3 : Utilize technology to manage and communicate information.
Skill or Knowledge 7.4 : Apply technology to data-driven assessments of learning.
Skill or Knowledge 7.5 : Instruct students in basic technology skills.
Author: Heather Steyn
Last modified: 2/14/2011 8:03 PM (EDT)