M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Technology

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TEC 580

Practicum/Internship: Technology
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In this practicum course, we were asked to design an action plan for a classroom to help implement technology. I worked with a peer mentor who allowed me access to her classroom to implement two web quests since I do not currently have a classroom of my own. My peer mentor teaches family and consumer science classes at a local high school. I designed a personality styles web quest for her teen choices class. The link to this web quest and a hard copy version on Excel can be viewed below. Additionally, I designed a write your own children's book web quest for her child development class. Again the link to this web quest and a hard copy on Word can be viewed below. I used two of the NETS/ISTE standards for these assignments. The two standards focused on facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity and designing and developing digital-age learning experiences. I was able to meet both of these standards with my two web quests. The other attachments that are found below are the action plan, reflection assignments, the logs for the action plan, and evaluations from my peer mentor.

USA- ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation
Standard: 1. Creativity and Innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Indicator: Students: a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
Indicator: Students: b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
Indicator: Students: c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
Indicator: Students: d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.
Standard: 2. Communication and Collaboration- Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Indicator: Students: a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
Indicator: Students: b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
Indicator: Students: c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
Indicator: Students: d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
File Attachments:
  1. Heather Steyn Creative-Critical Thinking Form Heather Steyn Creative-Critical Thinking Form
    Reflection form of how creative and critical thinking was used during the practicum action plan.
  2. Heather Steyn Final Evaluation Form Heather Steyn Final Evaluation Form
    This is the final evaluation from my peer mentor and signed by my course facilitator.
  3. Heather Steyn Midterm Evaluation Heather Steyn Midterm Evaluation
    A reflective piece summarizing where I felt I was at for the mid-term check point.
  4. Heather Steyn Peer Mentor Mid-Term Observation Form Heather Steyn Peer Mentor Mid-Term Observation Form
    Form filled out by my peer mentor at the mid-term check point.
  5. Heather Steyn Personality Styles Web Quest Heather Steyn Personality Styles Web Quest
    Personality Styles Web Quest in Excel Format
  6. Heather Steyn Practicum Action Plan Heather Steyn Practicum Action Plan
    Practicum Action Plan form filled out for practicum experience.
  7. Heather Steyn Practicum Activity Logs Heather Steyn Practicum Activity Logs
    This is the cumulative log of all the hours logged on the Practicum Action Plan.
  8. Heather Steyn Practicum Manual Write-Up Heather Steyn Practicum Manual Write-Up
    This is a reflection paper on the end of the practicum experience.
  9. Heather Steyn Self-Assessment Heather Steyn Self-Assessment
    This was our self-assessment due at the beginning of our practicum.
  10. Heather Steyn Week Four Write Up Heather Steyn Week Four Write Up
    A reflective summarization of where I was up to that point in the course.
  11. Heather Steyn Week Six Write Up Heather Steyn Week Six Write Up
    A reflective summarizationof where I was up to that point in the course.
  12. Heather Steyn Write Your Own Children's Book Web Quest Heather Steyn Write Your Own Children's Book Web Quest
    Write Your Own Children's Book Web Quest in Word
Web Links:
  1. Personality Styles Web Quest Personality Styles Web Quest
    This is the link to my Personality Styles Web Quest created on zunal.com.
  2. Write Your Own Children's Book Web Quest Write Your Own Children's Book Web Quest
    This is the link to the Web Quest I created for my mentor's Child Development Course on Writing Your Own Children's Book
Author: Heather Steyn
Last modified: 2/14/2011 8:03 PM (EDT)