PreK - 8 Program Internship I Handbook

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Forms and Materials

Suggested Schedule for Internship I

Prior to Internship I:



Prior to Internship I: Responsibilities

Intern I

Orientation Meeting

Induction/Preparation Days

  • Tour school and introductions
  • School schedule
  • School/County Policies and Procedures

Complete any course assignments associated with the Induction/Preparation days

Review the Intern I Handbook and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor (US).

Contact Mentor via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.

Prepare any materials, lessons, etc., needed to begin field experience.

Begin planning for Service Learning Project

Establish and maintain Intern I Notebook, daily time sheets, participation of daily activities of the PDS.



Review the Intern I Handbook and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the University Supervisor.

Meet with Intern to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Provide Intern with classroom management, classroom schedule, units, lessons, materials, etc. needed to begin their internship.

Phone/email conference with US.

Submit contract to Frostburg State University.


University Supervisor (US)

Review the Intern I Handbook and other materials included in the Orientation. Any questions about the materials should be directed to the Office of Field Experience.

Contact Intern via phone/email to confirm start date, arrival time, and school site address.

Phone/email conference with Mentor to review roles/responsibilities and address any questions.



Week 1 - Responsibilities


Week 1  Responsibilities

Intern I

Conference with Mentor to discuss classroom and school rules/policies. Tour school site.

Acclimate to classroom and observe/assist with daily activities.

Plan and teach a minimum of one lesson per day.

Begin collection of data for Portfolio.

Schedule formal observation with University Supervisor (recommended for week two/three).

Begin Classroom Management assignment

Phone/email conference with University Supervisor.

Establish conference time; conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Begin Service Learning ProjectWork toward completing course and field assignments



Assist Intern in acclimating to classroom and school. Introduce to students, faculty, and staff.

Discuss and plan timeline for transition of responsibilities based on suggested schedule with Intern. Develop tentative schedule for observation, evaluation, and teaching.

Conference with Intern daily.


University Supervisor

Contact Intern via phone/email to review roles/responsibilities and set clear expectations for the field experience. Discuss week one experience.

Check in with Mentor via phone/e-mail regarding Intern’s progress.

Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.

Schedule formal observation with Intern and Mentor (recommended for week two/three).



Week 2 Responsibilities


Week 2  Responsibilities

Intern I

Plan and teach a minimum of one lesson per day.

Provide Mentor with lesson plan(s) a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).

Continue to observe/assist with classroom activities.

Conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Begin components/requirements PDS Checklist of Activities

Complete first formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 2)

Continue Service Learning Project

Work toward completing course and field assignments



Conference with Intern daily. Continue to support Intern as they observe/assist with classroom activities.

Review Intern's lesson plan(s); provide guidance and feedback as needed.

Assist with components/requirements for PDS Checklist of Activities


University Supervisor

Be available for questions and feedback.

Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.

Review components/requirements PDS Checklist of Activities

Review Intern I Notebook during visits

Complete first formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 2).



Week 3 Responsibilities


Week 3  Responsibilities

Intern I

Plan and teach a minimum of two lessons per day.

Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 48 hours in advance (or as directed).

Continue to assist with classroom activities.

Conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Complete first formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 3)

Schedule second observation with US (complete in week 4 or 5).

Continue Service Learning Project

Work toward completing course and field assignments



Gradually increase Intern responsibilities and workload.

Conference with Intern daily.

Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.


University Supervisor

Be available for questions and feedback.

Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.

Review Intern I Notebook during visits

Complete first formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor(If scheduled for week 3)

Schedule second observation with Intern (complete in week 4/5).



Week 4 Responsibilities


Week 4 Responsibilities

Intern I

Plan and teach a minimum of three lessons per day, working toward five full days of teaching with 3 being consecutive (complete in week 4/5).

Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 24 hours in advance (or as directed).

Continue to assist with classroom activities.

Conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Complete second formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 4)

Complete Content Interview questions in writing for second observation and submit to US.

Continue Service Learning Project

Work toward completing course and field assignments



Phone/email conference with US as needed.

Continue to increase Intern responsibilities and workload.

Conference with Intern daily.

Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.


University Supervisor

Check in with Mentor via phone/e-mail regarding Intern’s progress.

Be available for questions and feedback.

Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.

Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.

Complete second formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 4).

Conduct Content Interview during second observation/conference. Collect Intern’s written responses and score using rubric.

Schedule evaluation with Intern and Mentor (complete in week 6).



Week 5 Responsibilities


Week 5  Responsibilities

Intern I


Plan and teach a minimum of four lessons per day, working toward five full days of teaching with 3 being consecutive (complete in week 4/5).

Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 24 hours in advance (or as directed).

Continue to assist with classroom activities.

Conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Complete second formal observation with US followed by onsite conference. Submit lesson plans to US 24 hours in advance (If scheduled for week 5)

Complete Content Interview questions in writing for second observation and submit to US.

Continue Service Learning Project

Work toward completing course and field assignments



Continue to increase Intern responsibilities and workload.

Conference with Intern daily.

Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.


University Supervisor

Formal observation Intern followed by conference with Intern and Mentor.

Be available for questions and feedback.

Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.

Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.

Complete second formal observation with Intern followed by onsite conference. Provide written feedback to Intern and Mentor. (If scheduled week 5).

Conduct Content Interview during second observation/conference. Collect Intern’s written responses and score using rubric.

Schedule evaluation with Intern and Mentor (complete in week 6).



Week 6 Responsibilities


Week 6  Responsibilities

Intern I

Evaluation  Complete evaluation forms and share with Mentor.

Plan and teach a minimum of three lessons per day.

Provide Mentor with lesson plans a minimum of 24 hours in advance (or as directed).

Continue to assist with classroom activities.

Conference with Mentor daily.

Complete weekly reflection and time sheet.

Collection of  Internship I documents for Permanent file

Complete Service Learning Project and other course/field work assignments



Evaluation of Intern. Conference with Intern and US at school site.

Collaborate with US on Evaluation of Intern.

Conference with Intern daily.

Review Intern's lesson plans; provide guidance and feedback as needed.


University Supervisor

Evaluation of Intern. Conference with Intern and Mentor at school site.

Be available for questions and feedback.

Check in as needed with Intern and/or Mentor.

Review weekly reflection; respond as needed.

Collection of documents for Permanent file

  • Final Evaluation Rating form completed and signed
  • Timesheets, summary sheets, make up day form completed and signed
  • Notebook rating form completed and signed
  • Copy of PDS checklist signed
  • Lesson plans with observation and signatures
  • Content Interview rubric signed
  • Management rubric signed
  • Checklist for Permanent files signed


Note: This is a recommended schedule based on a 6-week (30 days) Internship assignment. The Mentor should ultimately determine the timeline for transitioning responsibilities to the Intern based on the school schedule and curriculum. In addition, if an extended Internship has been arranged, please adjust the schedule accordingly



Some Questions You Might Ask About Your Teaching Situations



General School Information

  1. May I have a floor plan of the building?
  2. May I have a tour of the building?
  3. What type of community surrounds the school?
  4. What is the average class size and how many students are in the school?
  5. Is there a school lunch program or a place for teachers who bring their lunch?
  6. What are the facilities/resources that can be used by the teacher and class such as audio-visual aids, computers, maps, library, and supplies?
  7. Do special teachers visit the school?  How may I learn about their services?
  8. What are the major interests, achievements, and activities of the pupils?
  9. Are there any unusual classes?
  10. May I observe other teachers at some time during my intern experience?
  11. How can I become involved with the total school experience?


Procedure and Policy

  1. What time do classes begin and end, and when am I expected to arrive in the morning and leave at night?
  2. What will be my schedule?
  3. How is discipline handled?  What techniques should I as an intern use?
  4. May I have more information on general school policies?
  5. What is the procedure if a teacher can’t be in school?
  6. What is the policy concerning included individuals?
  7. What grading system is used in this school, and what grading responsibilities will I have?
  8. May I have a calendar of school activities?
  9. What extra-curricular activities and meetings will be available for me to attend?
  10. What extra duties will be required of me?



  1. What does the mentor teacher expect of me, and what materials will I need?
  2. How far ahead should I plan lessons?
  3. What abilities will my students have?  Are classes ability-grouped at any time?
  4. Will I be left alone in the classroom?  When and for how long?
  5. Will I be provided with textbooks and manuals?
  6. What are the general room policies?
  7. Was there a teacher intern in this class before?
  8. How long will I be able to observe before teaching?



  1. What is the proper dress for teacher interns?
  2. How should I address the other faculty member when introduced to them?
  3. Are there any social restrictions either from the school or the community?
  4. What do you look for when rating me?
  5. How will you inform me of my progress?

Notebook Assignment/Rating Form

ELED 494 Internship I:  PreK – 8 Programs

Notebook Assignment


Candidate is required to set up and maintain a three-ring binder with information pertinent to his/her school setting and internship requirements.  Sections should be labeled with dividers according to the categories listed.  Supervisors will assess the notebook according to the criteria described on the following pages.


The required sections are as follows:


Cover Page:  Names and phone numbers of mentor teacher, university supervisor,                                 Internship PDS, PDS principal and PDS site coordinator and Office of

Field Experience


Section 1:      Calendar of Events – Include university class schedules, university                                                semester schedule, PDS class schedule, and PDS calendar.


Section 2:      Emergency Procedures – Fire Drill and Lock-down.  Put these first and                              learn the procedures immediately.  Add other policies from the school                                concerning health, safety, and first-aid procedures.  Your school may also                                    have policies concerning discipline, homework, field trips, assessments,                           referrals, etc.  All of these policies may be in a handbook.  If so, you may                                need to tab the emergency procedures to find them quickly.  READ and                                FOLLOW all the school procedures.



Section 3:      Timesheets – Keep up to date.  May be written or typed.  Supervisors sign                         when visiting.


Section 4:      Reflections- written two times a week. Content should address successes, challenges, learning from day-to-day experience.  May be hand-written or word processed, half to one page in length.  Date each entry.  Supervisors will review during visits so most recent entries are filed first


Section 5:      Lesson Plans – Separate by subject area.  All teaching by the candidate should be documented with lesson plans in this notebook section.  UseTaskStream for lesson plans.


All lessons taught by the candidate need written plans. Lesson plans should be submitted to the mentor teacher at least 48 hours in advance, for approval. Mentor should indicate approval by initialing the plans. Complete the reflection section after the lesson is taught.  Include how you thought the lesson would go, how it went, and what you would do differently if re-teaching the lesson.  Complete, detailed plans must be written until competency in planning is determined by the supervisor and mentor teacher.  At that time, plans may be abbreviated, but are still required for teaching


All scheduled observations require a fully detailed long lesson plan that has been approved by the mentor teacher.  Lesson plans should be submitted to the supervisor at least 24 hours before the observation, for review.  


Section 6:      Assessments/record keeping – Begin with samples of the products from the lesson you teach.  Develop checklist for observations.   Do not use children’s last names.  Making copies of the class list is helpful. Candidates may use written or electronic methods for assessment documentation.



Section 7:      University Materials

  1. Internship I Handbook
  2. ELED 494 Syllabus



Grading Criteria:  Target or Acceptable is necessary to pass course.






All requirements followed.  Notebook well organized, and labeled.  Consistently kept organized throughout semester. 

All sections included and labeled. Basic requirements followed. 

Incomplete sections or not labeled.  Disorganized or difficult to find information.


File Attachments:
  1. Notebook Rating Form Notebook Rating Form
    Internship I Notebook Rating Form

Time Record

ELED 494 Internship I
File Attachments:
  1. Time Record Time Record
    ELED 494 Internship I

Internship Make-Up Day Approval Form

Internship I
File Attachments:
  1. Make-Up Day Approval Form Make-Up Day Approval Form

Record of PDS Activities/Experiences

Standards for Maryland Professional Development Schools

File Attachments:
  1. Standards for MD PDS Standards for MD PDS

Lesson Plan Format

File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan Long Lesson Plan Long

Lesson Plan Format

File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan Format Lesson Plan Format
Author: Rita Thomas
Last modified: 1/26/2012 4:56 AM (EDT)