PreK - 8 Program Internship I Handbook

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Technology Survey





Name                                                                   Mentor Teacher                                                 


School                                                                 Grade Level                [M.S. Content                ]          



This survey is best done during your Induction Experience/ Preparation Days.  Complete this survey by interviewing your mentor teacher and the school technology specialist; and by making observations in the school and your classroom.  The school technology specialist may be the media specialist.  Directions for submission and assessment will be provided by the EDUC 448 instructor.


  1. Personnel
    1. Mentor Teacher – Record the following information for future reference:
      1. Mentor Teacher’s Name
      2. School address and phone number
      3. Mentor Teacher’s phone number
      4. Mentor Teacher’s email address
      5. How does your teacher prefer to be contacted?
    2. Technology Specialist / Media Specialist
      1.  Name
      2. Phone
      3. Email Address
      4. How did s/he become the school’s technology leader?  What are his/her duties?
    3. When a teacher encounters problems with technology, to whom does he/she report these difficulties?  Describe the procedure that is in place at your school.


  1. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
    1. Obtain copies of the AUP for both students and teachers/employees.  Bring the copies to Tech Lab III class and submit with this survey.
    2. Obtain and sign all forms for appropriate use of technology (video taping release, consent forms, etc.) and submit to your mentor teacher, if required. What forms are necessary for you to sign in order to complete your integration technology lesson? Submit a copy of your signed forms with this survey. 
    3. Write: What are the components of the school’s AUP?  What is important for teachers to know?   Find out more information about the AUP:  who signs the form, when is it signed, where the signed forms are kept, who oversees that the stipulations in the AUP are followed, and what happens when a student or teacher did not follow the guidelines.


  1. Technology in School and Classroom
    1. What types of technology hardware and software does your class have access to?
      1. Does the class have access to a computer lab with enough computers for each student?  Can students access the Internet through these computers?  What web-based programs are students using at the lab?  (e.g. Typing lessons, Microsoft Office) What’s the procedure for reserving the lab? 
      2. Is there a mobile lab that can be brought inside the classroom?  What’s the procedure for using the mobile lab?
      3. Is there an interactive white board inside the classroom?  Is it Smart, Promethean, or something else?  How has your teacher been using the board? 
      4. Do you have access to the Internet inside the classroom?  What web-based programs are being used inside the classroom? (e.g. Safari montage, their Reading textbook)
      5. What other technologies are available for students use?  (E.g. GPS for geocaching, robotics, digital cameras, digital microscopes, local broadcasting, recording studio)  Are there specific teachers who are actively using these technologies?
    2. What is your teacher currently focusing on in terms of using technology in the classroom? 
    3. What technologies are present which are not being used often enough?  Why?



  1. Your Teacher
    1. How does your classroom teacher use technology with students?
    2. How does your classroom teacher use technology for his or her own professional development?


  1. School Technology Plan
    1. Describe the contents of the county or school district technology plan including the plan for the use of instructional software.
    2. In line with this plan, what are the technology implementation strategies for your grade level?
    3. How is the plan being implemented in your classroom?


  1. Communication
    1. Describe the components of your school district or county web site.
    2. Describe the components of your specific school web site.  Who manages this web site?
    3. Describe your classroom web site, if any.  Different teachers may have different web sites.  For example, some teachers use Edmodo.  Others use Moodle.  It is also possible for one teacher to be using multiple sites. Which company/organization is hosting your classroom web site?  Who maintains this web site? 
    4. How are the school/county and classroom web sites used for communication with parents and the community?


  1. Assessment
    1. How is technology used by your mentor teacher to assist with assessment? 
    2. What programs does your teacher use to assess students?
    3. What programs does your teacher use to record student progress?


  1. Management

How is technology used by your mentor teacher to assist with management?  If your mentor teacher does not use technology for management, describe the methods s/he uses.



  1. Technology Integration Lesson 

With your mentor teacher, determine the subject areas and topics that you will be teaching during your internship.  List those subject areas/topics.  You will be teaching at least five (5) full days with a minimum of three (3) consecutively.  Discuss possibilities for the technology integration lesson you need to teach during your internship.  List these possibilities.  Remind your mentor teacher that you will need to be videotaped while teaching your technology integration lesson.


Technology Standard V:

Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction
File Attachments:
  1. Technology Standard V Technology Standard V

Lesson Overview Summary Sheet

Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction

Standard V:
Author: Rita Thomas
Last modified: 1/26/2012 4:56 AM (EDT)