PreK - 8 Program Internship II Handbook

Home > Appendices




Appendix A

Questions to Ask Your Mentor Teacher

Appendix B

Notebook Rating Form

Appendix C

Summary Time Sheet & Time Sheets

Appendix D

PDS Checklist of Activities/Experiences for Interns II/Standards

Appendix E

Lesson Plan Formats (Long and Short)

Appendix F

Observation Form

Appendix G

Mid-point/final Evaluation Form

Appendix H

Addendum Early childhood (Only for Early Childhood Majors)

Appendix I

Mentor Teacher Evaluation Regarding Candidate’s mastery of content Knowledge

Appendix J

Portfolio Assessment Rubric

Appendix K

Checklist for Completed Permanent Folders

Questions You Might Ask About Your Teaching Situations

GeneralSchool Information

  1. May I have a floor plan of the building?
  2. May I have a tour of the building?
  3. What type of community surrounds the school?
  4. What is the average class size and how many students are in the school?
  5. Is there a school lunch program or a place for teachers who bring their lunch?
  6. What are the facilities/resources that can be used by the teacher and class such as audio-visual aids, computers, maps, library, and supplies?
  7. Do special teachers visit the school?  How may I learn about their services?
  8. What are the major interests, achievements, and activities of the pupils?
  9. Are there any unusual classes?
  10. May I observe other teachers at some time during my intern experience?
  11. How can I become involved with the total school experience?


Procedure and Policy

  1. What time do classes begin and end, and when am I expected to arrive in the morning and leave at night?
  2. What will be my schedule?
  3. How is discipline handled?  What techniques should I as an intern use?
  4. May I have more information on general school policies?
  5. What is the procedure if a teacher can’t be in school?
  6. What is the policy concerning included individuals?
  7. What grading system is used in this school, and what grading responsibilities will I have?
  8. May I have a calendar of school activities?
  9. What extra-curricular activities and meetings will be available for me to attend?
  10. What extra duties will be required of me?


  1. What does the mentor teacher expect of me, and what materials will I need?
  2. How far ahead should I plan lessons?
  3. What abilities will my students have?  Are classes ability-grouped at any time?
  4. Will I be left alone in the classroom?  When and for how long?
  5. Will I be provided with textbooks and manuals?
  6. What are the general room policies?
  7. Was there a teacher intern in this class before?
  8. Will I be allowed to observe for awhile?



  1. What is the proper dress for teacher interns?
  2. How should I address the other faculty member when introduced to them?
  3. Are there any social restrictions either from the school or the community?
  4. What do you look for when rating me?
  5. How will you inform me of my progress?

Internship II Notebook Rating Form

Time Record

ELED 495 Internship II
File Attachments:
  1. Time Record Time Record

SAMPLE Intern Time Sheet

File Attachments:
  1. Sample Intern Time Sheet Sample Intern Time Sheet

Intern Time Sheet

File Attachments:

Record of Professional Development School Activities/Experiences

Standards of Maryland

Professional Development Schools
File Attachments:
  1. Standards for Maryland Standards for Maryland
    Professional Development Schools

Lesson Plan Format

File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan Format Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Plan

Short Form
File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan Lesson Plan
    Short Form

Internship II Observation Form

File Attachments:
  1. Internship II Observation Form Internship II Observation Form
    Pages 1 And 2

Performance Rating (Includes Early Childhood Addendum)

Program Outcome - Internship II
File Attachments:
  1. Performance Rating - Program Outcome Performance Rating - Program Outcome
    Internship II

Performance Rating (Only)

File Attachments:
  1. Performance Rating Performance Rating

Early Childhood Addendum Only (Performance Rating )

Mentor Teacher Evaluation

Regarding Candidate's Mastery of Content Knowledge
File Attachments:
  1. Mentor's Evaluation Mentor's Evaluation
    Regarding Candidate's Mastery of Content Knowledge

Portfolio Assessment Rubric

File Attachments:
  1. Portfolio Assessment Rubric Portfolio Assessment Rubric

Checklist for Completed Permanent Folders

Internship II
File Attachments:
  1. Checklist for Completed Permanent Folders Checklist for Completed Permanent Folders
    Internship II
Author: Rita Thomas
Last modified: 1/26/2012 4:38 AM (EDT)